ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 24,Issue 10,1998 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Review of the Evaluation of Weather Modification Experiments
    1998, 24(10):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.001
    [Abstract](1014) [HTML](0) [PDF 446.93 K](1344)
    According to statistician's views, randomization methods are considered most reliable for detecting cloud seeding effects. But evaluating the results of an operational cloud seeding program are rather diffcult. Brief summaries of defects and experience of weather modification were confined to main weather modification activities that appear to be based on acceptable physical principles and which have been tested in the fields. An argument about two randomization experiments which won high praise is discussed. By citing some examples in point, the presently recommended analyses for evaluating weather madification experiments are based on distribution free inference techniques.
    2  Statistical Simulation of Significance Test of correlative Fields for Several Common Weather Factors
    朱平盛 张苏平
    1998, 24(10):9-13. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.002
    [Abstract](910) [HTML](0) [PDF 280.49 K](1266)
    The statistical simulation of significance test of correlative fields was used to deal with several weather climatic analysis and prediction. The significance test criteria were calculated for the correlative fields between single point or area mean values of weather factors and global OLR, north Pacific SST and north hemisphere geopotential height of 500hPa. Some problems about significance test of correlative fields in statistical forecast were also discussed.
    3  Mesoscale Analysis on the Heavy Torrential Rain within the Outside Lane of the Typhoon Low 9608
    游景炎 胡欣 杜青文
    1998, 24(10):14-19. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.003
    [Abstract](1020) [HTML](0) [PDF 306.83 K](1316)
    The heavy torrential rain which happened in Northern China during August 3~5 in 1996 was the result of the stationary meso α cloud cluster within the typhoon low outside lane. The generation and development of the meso α cloud cluster were interacted by three air flows:1) low level easterly dry cold airflow, 2) low and medium level southerly wet warm jet stream, and 3) sub tropical upper jet stream. The mesoscale disturbances within the meso α cloud cluster were frequent. The disturbance caused by the meso β easterly wind shearline occurred three times or more while the disturbance caused by the mesa β low pressure occurred two times or more. The heavy rain cluster was accompained by meso β low pressure motion. The rain cluster stagnated more than 14 hours at the western mountain area of Shijiazhuang, where it brought 670mm rainfall in 36 hours. The heavy rain was centered at the windward slope and bell terrain near 500m sea level elevation.
    4  Implementation of the SemiLagrangian Method in the Primitiveequations Model
    陈起英 庄世宇 金之雁
    1998, 24(10):20-25. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.004
    [Abstract](1181) [HTML](0) [PDF 388.70 K](1331)
    The basic concept of the SemiLagrangian method was simply introduced,and then its concrete implementation in the primitiveequations model,especially in IFS model was presented.The idea of the Lagrangian advection is that an observer watches the world evolve around him as he travels with a fluid particle,and the key to its implementation is the calculation of the trajectory.Taking advantage of the spherical trigonometry and a higherorder approximation,the horizontal coordinates of the position for the midpoint and the departure point of the trajectory can be calculated directly in the spherical polar coordinates.To obtain the advantages of a semiLagrangian integration scheme,it was necessary to choose the order of the interpolation higher than fourthorder for the terms evaluated at the departure point.However,in order to avoid expensive cubic interpolation in three dimension,it was better to choose 3D "quasicubic" interpolation.
    5  Diagnosing and Forcasting for Heavy Rainon the Flood Season in Yunnan
    许美玲 段旭
    1998, 24(10):25-29. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.005
    [Abstract](823) [HTML](0) [PDF 285.13 K](1376)
    The relationships between the parameters of Q vector frontogenetical function, Q vector divergence, kinetic energy conversion function and divergence of moisture flux and heavy rain were analysed during the flood season (June to August) of Yunnan in 1996. Based on the analysis results, a forecast equation of heavy rain was established.
    6  The Evaluation of the Flow Field within Weather Radar Echo by Use of Moment Invariant Method
    胡明宝 汤达章
    1998, 24(10):30-33. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.006
    [Abstract](960) [HTML](0) [PDF 265.57 K](1229)
    A new moment invariant method was presented to evaluate the flow field within weather radar echo. The study result shows that the moment invariants are very useful for extracting the features of modules from radar data and could be applied to the tracking of radar echo to determine the internal movement of the storm.
    7  The Radar Echo Analysis and Forecasting on Severe Convection Weather
    1998, 24(10):34-37. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.007
    [Abstract](786) [HTML](0) [PDF 247.13 K](1325)
    The correct assessment is the key of short period forecasting through of the use of 711 radar data.Based on the observations and short period forecasting experience for recent years,and the local special topographical and climatic features,the configurational features of the radar echo about severe convection weather are emphatically analyzed and the method of energy meteorology is introduced so that the concise assessing criterions are derived.
    8  An Assessment on the Accuracy of Monthly Dynamic Extended Forecast of T63L16 Model
    张存杰 董安祥
    1998, 24(10):38-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.008
    [Abstract](644) [HTML](0) [PDF 270.05 K](1258)
    By use of T63L16 model of NCC, 57 monthly dynamic extended predictions of 500hPa height from January to December of 1996 and from January to August of 1997 were given, and the predictive accuracy was checked and assessed. The characteristic figure of the general circulation system that impacted on the climate of Northwest of China was checked, the error corrections also were given.
    9  City to county Meteorological Information Processing System Corresponding with 9210 Project
    徐良谋 濮梅娟 闵莉 邱成龙
    1998, 24(10):43-46. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.010
    [Abstract](572) [HTML](0) [PDF 136.06 K](8)
    Corresponding with 9210 Project,the microcomputer terminal by assembling prediction methods,prediction products and texts on Windows 95 was established.WAN connecting LAN with the internal net of 9210 Project was introduced,and MICAPS system can be extended to every county,while information between a city and a county can be transmitted in automatic mode.A new guidance model to a county was necessary and some helpful ideas were suggested.Now the system was built in the counties subordinate to Yancheng city,Jiangsu province and it was proved to have good effects.
    10  The Supplement and Correction of Climate Classification Index for High Quality Tobacco in Guizhou Province
    1998, 24(10):47-51. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.011
    [Abstract](683) [HTML](0) [PDF 370.41 K](1290)
    With the reality of planting tobacco in high elevation area:Weining county,Guizhou province (1900~2300m),the classification indexes of the climate regionalization of high quality tobacco were analysed in detail.The relationship between the surface heat and the growth of tobacco was given.The results show that not only the daily average temperature and its lasting time can be used to the climate regionalization indexes,but also the accumulated temperature,the temperature difference between day and night,the soil surface temperature and leaf temperature should be considered.The formar indexes of the average temperature in the mature period,the temperature in growth period,and the lasting days from growth to mature were corrected,and some supplemental indexes were suggested.
    11  Temperature Regulation of the Reflex Film in Mango Transportation
    王鹏云 朱勇 段长春 尚晓慧
    1998, 24(10):52-55. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1998.10.012
    [Abstract](706) [HTML](0) [PDF 253.39 K](1233)
    During the dynamic transportation of the fruit named Mango,the temperature plays a main role for the fruit breathe,transpiration,enzyme living and ethylene produce.The Mango is ripen faster as the temperature increasing,therefore this is disadvantageous for the fruit transportation.For reducing the increasing temperature effect of the solar radiation on Mango transportation,the new method that the reflex film was spreaded on the plastic weave cloth was suggested.Thus,85% solar radiation was reflected and scattered by the reflex film ,and its transmissivity was less than 10%.The reflex film protects the transportation from the increasing temperature effect of the solar radiation and the fruit harming caused temperature severe change within the vehicle was avoided.

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