ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 23,Issue 12,1997 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  The Physical Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Artificial Modification of A Hail Event
    冯桂力 陈文选 刘文
    1997, 23(12):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.001
    [Abstract](968) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.56 M](1450)
    The physical analysis and numerical simulation of a hail event in Jinan on July 24,1996 was made with a twodimension hail cloud model.The simulation results show that the model can describe in detail the character of feedback of thermodynamic and dynamic processes and microphysical processes in the hail choud.Based on the computed results,the silver iodide seeding experiment is conducted in the hail event,and it is concluded theoretically that cloud seeding with high concentration of artificial ice crystal at forming period of cloud may decrease surface hail and increase surface precipitation.
    2  A Study of Cotton Water Consumption and Soil Moisture Indices
    朱自玺 方文松 赵国强 邓天宏
    1997, 23(12):9-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.002
    [Abstract](793) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.52 M](1465)
    Based on the farm experiment in five years,the optimal water consumption of cotton is determined from water use efficiency,and the suitable soil moisture and water stress indices for cotton growing are obtained from the relationships among the shedding rate of cotton buds and bolls,stoma resistance,fibre quality,yield element and soil moisture.
    3  Automatic Location Method of the Typhoon-eyed
    冯民学 于波 陈必云 周煜
    1997, 23(12):15-17. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.003
    [Abstract](728) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.49 M](1484)
    The cloud system of the typhooneyed is analysed for determination of typhoon center by use of GMS infrared pictures.According to cloud features,the automatic location method based on cloud pattern analyses is suggested.
    4  Summary on Computer Processing System (V3.2) of Meteorological Satellite Remote Sensing Data
    孙涵 居为民 汤志成
    1997, 23(12):18-20. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.004
    [Abstract](795) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.36 M](1363)
    The main characteristics,function and operation enviroment of the computer processing system (V3.2)for meteorological satellite remote sensing data are presented.This system is developed by Agrometeorological and Satellite Remote Sensing Center in Jiangsu Province,and provided with outstanding technical advantage and good function in processing remote sensing data.It is very suitable for the remote sensing research and service at the provincial and subordinate meteorological department.
    5  Cold Wave Prediction System Based upon Gradient Principle
    1997, 23(12):21-23. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.005
    [Abstract](691) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.42 M](1419)
    The extreme value of the meteorological element representing cold air intensity is scaned and collected automatically by computer.The gradient calculation is conducted with the relatant meteorological element value at the index stations in prediction area.The gradient values are obtained in the target area ,and therefore,the cold wave intensity and variation can be monitored dynamically.According to the temperature background that cause cold wave,the automatic system of the Chinese windows worktable predicting cold wave is developed.The prediction accuracy of cold wave have been increased abviously in the operational application for three years.
    6  Analysis on Sustained Raifall Events in the Southeast of Australia
    1997, 23(12):24-28. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.006
    [Abstract](710) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.24 M](1434)
    Using tropical weather charts,GMS satellite cloud pictures and ECMWF gridpoint wind data,two kinds of typical sustained raifall events in the southeast of Australia:cyclonic frontogenesis process caused by tropical cloud surgecold front wake interaction and return flow rainfall process in the north side of blocking anticyclone,were analysed with different methods.The basic features of the two cases were given in terms of cloud patterns,circulation and tropical flow field.The results can be used as reference in the operational prediction.
    7  Application of 714CD Radar to the Shorttime Forecasting of the Severe Weather
    牛淑贞 张素芬
    1997, 23(12):29-33. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.007
    [Abstract](954) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.96 M](1611)
    The application of 714CD radar observation data to the shorttime forecasting of the severe weather in Henan is summarised.The mesoscale weather systems and characteristic signature of Doppler velocity field,and the linkage relative to shorttime severe weather are analyzed.The shorttime forecasting method is given.
    8  An Application Study on the Artificial Rainfall over Gutian Reservoir Region
    曾光平 朱鼎华 王祖炉
    1997, 23(12):34-38. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.008
    [Abstract](816) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.88 M](1113)
    On the basis of the fundamental experiment study of the artificial rainfall over Gutian reservoir,the application study has been made for six years in accordance with the requirement of the stored water and power generation.Statistical analysis shows that amount of precipitation after seeding increases 1.52mm/3h(α<0.05),the benefit is very obviously.
    9  An Application of Lightning Location to Monitoring and Diagnosing Thunderstorm Weather
    魏锦成 陈泽面
    1997, 23(12):39-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.009
    [Abstract](910) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.39 M](1499)
    Based on analysing the Doppler radar detection of original thunder weather over Xiamen city in Fujian province in 1996,it is shown that the lightning location data can be used to detect the original thunders,identify the radar echo of thunderstorm and shower,estimate the precipitation of thunderstorm,and monitor the thunderstorm motion and variation.
    10  The Recognition Method of Hail Cloud by the Digitized Radar Echoes
    程相坤 金伟福 盖世民 刘志红
    1997, 23(12):43-46. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.010
    [Abstract](739) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.58 M](1485)
    With the digitized radar observation of echo intensity,along with the information on weather conditions and hazards,as well as radiosonde data,the relationship between the radar echo parameter such as echo top and the hail probability associated with severe convection in Dongying city is discussed.The data of digitized radar echoes and the synoptic factors are used to formulate the hail forecasting model,based on the 0 or 1 recognition analysis.The results show that the recognition eqution has reference value in the hail recognition.
    11  The Research on the multiplying Technique by Cold Waterirrigated for TGMS Rice with Low Critical Sterile Temperature
    朱兰娟 储长树
    1997, 23(12):47-51. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.011
    [Abstract](658) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.85 M](1549)
    By analysis of temperature distribution character and rate of selffertilization of Themosensitive Genic Male Sterile (TGMS) rice with low sterile temperature,it is concluded that the beginning day and the last day of the suitable cold waterirrigated for Peiai 64S is the eighteenth day and the third day before panicles headed day ,respectively.The irrigation depth in the first ten days is 15cm,and 20cm in the last five days,which provides theoretical base for the practical production of multiplying with cold waterirrigated.
    12  The Yield Forecasting Model of Natural Herbage in Qinghai Highland
    1997, 23(12):52-54. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1997.12.012
    [Abstract](685) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.17 M](1446)
    According to the observations obtained at Tiebujia Animal Husbandry Meteorological Station in Qinghai province,the biological features of natural herbage growth,and the meteorological condition during different growth and development periods,the herbage yield is decomposed into the average economical yield and climatic yield.The animal husbandry meteorological index,or waterheat index,is designed and calculated.The formation rule of the natural harbage yield is analysed,and the yield in different stages is simulated.The forecasting model can be used to calculate the total yield,accumulative velocity of yield and the potential maximum yield.

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