ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 22,Issue 11,1996 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Impacts of Precipitation Changes on Water Resources in Jiaodong Region, Shandong Province
    张苏平 胡桂芳 朱平盛
    1996, 22(11):3-9. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.001
    [Abstract](530) [HTML](0) [PDF 426.01 K](1329)
    35-year precipitation and water resources data (1960 -1994) in Jiaodong region are used. The precipitation data are divided into two periods by means of change-point analysis. Marked shifts between the two periods are revealed for both rainfall and water resources. The variation trends of precipitation and total amount of water resources are identical, but the former's varia tional rate is smaller than the latter's. The ground water has a sustaining feature. which means the end of drought in meteorology does not show the end of dry period in hydrology. The supply and demand analysis for the year of 2000 indicates that the utilization efficiency of water resources must be raised at least 30% in order to meet the needs of the economic development basically. The study is of practical importance and provites scientific basis for the rational exploitation and utilization of water resources and for the design of economic development plan in Jiaodong.
    2  Fog Decreasing in Xishuangbanna Region
    宫世贤 凌升海
    1996, 22(11):10-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.002
    [Abstract](705) [HTML](0) [PDF 583.37 K](1416)
    Using the fouty years data of fog in Xishuangbanna, the following fact is discovered: the days,hours and amount (water) of fog are rapidly decreasing. For example,in Jinghong,the averaged fog hours per year from 1954 to 1960 is 858. 01 hours, but it is only 213. 56 hours from 1991 to 1995. The cause for fog decrease is the increasing of air temperature, the decreasing of the precipitation and then the lowering of relative humidity. It is pointed out that the reduced vegetation and the enhanced city-island effect are the artificial cause of fog decrease in Xishuangbanna region.
    3  The Remote Sensing Information System of Meteorological Satellite in Yunnan Province
    赵红旭 王建彬 董谢琼 李红梅 张继川
    1996, 22(11):15-18. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.003
    [Abstract](1350) [HTML](0) [PDF 250.37 K](1346)
    The Remote Sensing System of Meteorological Satellite in Yunnan Province is composed by four subsystems,They are receiving and pre-processing subsystem,application processing subsystem, communication managing subsystem and service subsystem. It has the characteristics of multi-processing platform, reserver of meteorological satellite data and various service products. Its objective is to study and make service products of dynamic monitoring environment in Yunnan Province.
    4  The Compression of Image Data
    1996, 22(11):19-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.004
    [Abstract](521) [HTML](0) [PDF 182.89 K](1318)
    The high-efficient compression methods for meteorological image data transfer and storage arc given.
    5  The Circuit Analysis of Antenna-Controlled System of 713-C Digital Weather Radar
    徐百言 周军
    1996, 22(11):22-25. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.005
    [Abstract](665) [HTML](0) [PDF 222.98 K](1292)
    The Antenna-Controlled System of 713 Radar has a relatively high fault rate with many protective links ,scattered hard-wiring mechanisms and strong power. Because of complicated diagrams, it is difficult to detect troubles. Therefore, the principle diagrams is drawn and the circuit analysis of this system is made,which have many practical applications in the Equipment Techniques Ensurance, not only for understanding the principles but also for trouble shooting conveniently.
    6  Occurrence and Movement of the Westward Slant Ridge and Precipitation in North China
    石林平 吉宝珩 迟秀兰 魏华
    1996, 22(11):26-28. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.006
    [Abstract](665) [HTML](0) [PDF 206.55 K](1250)
    An westward slant ridge over the region ranging from the middle of Huanghe River to North China and East China (30—45°N,105—120°E) is presented, and the ridge effect on the precipitation in Tianjing and in North China is analysed.
    7  The Comparative Test Results of Soil Temperature Telemeters
    任芝花 郭锡钦
    1996, 22(11):29-32. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.007
    [Abstract](1007) [HTML](0) [PDF 233.63 K](1329)
    In the past comparison tests of soil temperature in the shallow layer,there were obvious differences between soil temperature telemeters and routine glass soil thermometers. So it was difficult to use soil temperature telemetry. The good result is acquired in a new comparative tested way. It provides scientific basis for using the telemeter.
    8  Remark on the Non-Real-Time Surface Meteorological Information
    海涛 王穗
    1996, 22(11):33-36. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.008
    [Abstract](552) [HTML](0) [PDF 253.68 K](1257)
    The substance and their correlation of some kinds of non-real-time surface meteorological information are discussed in detail. Based on experience, the comment on these information and comparison with each other are conducted and some advice on choice of favorable kind of non-real-time surface meteorological information for users are given.
    9  The Characteristics of Drought in the East of North China
    1996, 22(11):37-40. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.009
    [Abstract](787) [HTML](0) [PDF 203.41 K](1340)
    The characteritics of drought in the east of north China have been analyzed statistically with Z index by using the precipitation data from 1951 to 1990. The results show that drought occured frequently and severely in this area. The characteritics of drought are identified as seasonality and persistence,and quasi-20 years oscillation variation.
    10  The Analysis of the Specificity of a Multi-cell Hail Cloud
    王吉宏 宫福久 郭恩铭
    1996, 22(11):41-43. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.010
    [Abstract](811) [HTML](0) [PDF 131.45 K](1380)
    A multi-cell hail cloud is well developed in a cold front system. It brings hail in several district. Its specificity in RHI is that the hail is falling while the echo intensity exceeds 60 dBz,its top has the funnel shape and the echo width exceeds 20km.
    11  The Climatic Potential Productivity and Development of Grassland in the Delta of the Huanghe Riverr
    陈艳春 赵秀英
    1996, 22(11):44-48. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.011
    [Abstract](530) [HTML](0) [PDF 285.40 K](1267)
    The ecoclimatic adaptability and favorable and unfavorable climatic conditions during growth season of main herbage cultivars in the delta of the Huanghe River were analysed, the climatic productivity and its potential increment were estimated, not only in the natural grassland but also in the cultivated grassland, and measures of grassland improvement were given. The results show that annual climatic potential productivity is 9210—11820kg/ha and annual climatic potential increasing productivity is 4500—10500kg/ha in the natural grassland, and in the grassland with cultivated alfalfa they are 23775—28080kg/ha and 6000—19500kg/ha respectively.
    12  The Preliminary Study Forecasting of Floods by Heavy Rain in Haian County
    1996, 22(11):49-52. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.012
    [Abstract](592) [HTML](0) [PDF 231.73 K](1282)
    It's a hard problem for forecasting the floods in local observatory or hydrometric station. The relationship between flow-off and river stage are estimated based on the data of hydrograph and detailed relief-map. Combined with heavy rain forecast the flood disasters can be forecasted.
    13  A Method for Estimating Maximum Wind Speed in Disaster Area
    林务荣 何华庆
    1996, 22(11):53-57. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1996.11.013
    [Abstract](652) [HTML](0) [PDF 239.99 K](1365)
    Depending on the data of pole intensity design of long distance line prepared by the ministry of post and telecommunication,experience formula and method for estitnating maximum speed in the disaster area of lack meteorological observations are obtained and some examples are given. A new way to estimating maximum wind speed in disaster area is proposed.

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