ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 21,Issue 9,1995 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Effects of the change in factors affecting solar radiation on solar ultraviolet radiation
    白建辉 王庚辰
    1995, 21(9):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.001
    [Abstract](677) [HTML](0) [PDF 146.60 K](1133)
    The change of the solar ulrraviolet radiation caused by changes of the factors such as ozone,water vapour and aerosol, was calculated based on the observations of solar spectral radiation in 1990 over Beijing area. The solar uhraviolet radiation will increase 0.84%, 0.27% and 1.90%respectively while ozone, water vapour and aerosol decrease 5%. The influence Of all the factors affecting solar ultraviolet radiation should be considered comprehensively as analysing the variation trends of solar ultraviolet radiation.
    2  The Effects of the Meteorological Elments on Safe Flight Altitude
    白建忠 窦金锋
    1995, 21(9):7-10. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.9.002
    [Abstract](646) [HTML](0) [PDF 136.55 K](1260)
    The extreme values of altitude error were estimated through the analysis of effect of the meterological factors on the pressure altimetre. The idea that the safety altitude higher than the maximum elevation in the range of 25km on both sides of the course is not exactly accurate has been put forward,and 4 precautionary measures offered.
    3  The Characteristics of Precipitation in the Dry and Semi-dry Region of China and Their Connection with Arctic Sea Ice
    1995, 21(9):11-15. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.003
    [Abstract](719) [HTML](0) [PDF 486.86 K](1198)
    The temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation in the dry and semi-dry region of China are investigated by carrying out the complex Emperical Orthogonal Function technique for 45 stations from 1950 through 1992 A. D. In this region, Three spatial patterns have been derived. In addition, the relationship between the precipitation patterns and Arctic sea ice indices have been also analysed. Finally, the possible influence of physical processes were also discussed.
    4  An Inquiry into the Mechanism Responsible for an Ocean Semi-Tropical Cyclone
    闫丽凤 唐功瑞
    1995, 21(9):16-20. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.9.004
    [Abstract](607) [HTML](0) [PDF 176.03 K](1189)
    An analysis is made for a special storm occurred on Aug.25, 1982 in the southern part of the Yellow Sea. It is an oceanic semi-tropical cyclone, directly occured on the surface of higher latitude ocean and accompanied with strong wind and heavy rain. The upper air divergence of troposphere,positive vorticity advection and lowlevel southeast jet make the mechanism responsible for the system's occurrence and development and the latent heat of condensation released from the convection contributes greatly to a further development and strengthening of it.
    5  The Climatic Characters of Chilling Damage in South China during Autumn
    张尚印 刘小宁 孙安健
    1995, 21(9):21-24. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.005
    [Abstract](646) [HTML](0) [PDF 129.12 K](1170)
    The climatic charaters of chilling damage in autumn in South China are analysed with the observations at 48 stations, September to October, 1951-1990. The results show that the mean frequency of chilling damage decreases from north to south and increases from coast to inland in South China. Continuous time of the chilling damage process shortens rapidly from north to south in the area. The number of strong chilling damage year was 9 year (1951-1990). However, less of them occurred from 1951 to 1965 and most of them happened during 1966-1980.
    6  Evaluation of the Results of Five-year Hail Suppression in Mancheng, Hebei Province
    王雨曾 王文乐 冉永海 史喜增
    1995, 21(9):25-29. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.9.006
    [Abstract](729) [HTML](0) [PDF 165.48 K](1292)
    Hail suppression operations were carried out in Mancheng county from 1986-1990. Hail damage area was 2193 ha (10 year average) befroe the operations. In the period of hail suppression the damage area was decreased to 633.3 ha, much less than before. The effects of hail suppression was estimated by two ways. The results suggested that the effect of 5 year hail suppression is 77.6%,the operation is beneficial and the ratio of investment to benefit is 1:17.6 or 1:23.
    7  Long-range Temperature Forecast with Multi-time Historical Data Based on EOF Iteration Scheme
    李跃清 童文林
    1995, 21(9):30-33. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.9.007
    [Abstract](640) [HTML](0) [PDF 119.72 K](1215)
    With multi-time snow cover data over Eurasian continent and based on the empirical orthogonal function (FOF) iteration scheme, some experiments of long-range temperature forecast are done for 30 stations in Sichuan Basin in July. The results show that the physical-statistical method with multi-time historical data has an enormous potential in long-range forecast based on EOF iteration scheme.
    8  The Grey-Markov Forecasting Model on Cotton Yield in Henan Province
    1995, 21(9):34-36. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.008
    [Abstract](533) [HTML](0) [PDF 97.78 K](1281)
    The grey-Markov forecasting model is suited to the succession with larger variation. The GM (1, 1) grey model has been applied to forecasts of cotton yield in Henan province. The transition possibility of Markov model has been used in predicting the future direction development of the system and amending the forecasted yield. The results are better in practice of the simulation and forecasting.
    9  The Application of Helicity Forecasting to Severe Convective Storm Weather in Southwest Anhui Province
    张苏 王甲生
    1995, 21(9):37-39. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.9.009
    [Abstract](687) [HTML](0) [PDF 91.77 K](1099)
    The helicity of severe storm processes had been counted and analysed with routine weather reports. The results show that helicity as a new diagnosis measure is helpful for forecasting of severe storm weather such as wide range of hailstone,no-isolated tornado and local tornado within 50km.
    10  Forecasting of Torrentical Rain with Divergence
    任遵海 孙锦铨 朱竟成
    1995, 21(9):40-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.010
    [Abstract](771) [HTML](0) [PDF 121.33 K](1142)
    Divergence fields are quantitatively analysed before regional torrentical rain process from May to September, 1986 to 1993. And therefore key area and indexes are found for the forecast message of torrentical rain. Researches on weather-map type indexes were conducted in order to get the answer of the appearance of torrentical rain. The estimation of the classification of rainfall has been done according to physical quantity indexes at lower layer of atmosphere.
    11  New Development of the Long Range Forecast Operation of NMS in USA──Issuing Climate Outlooks
    1995, 21(9):49-52. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.09.013
    [Abstract](553) [HTML](0) [PDF 130.09 K](1205)
    Since January 1995, the operational long lead seasonal CLIMATE OUTLOOKS up to one year are issued by the National Weather Service of USA. The scientific basis,major methods,operational procedures for producing climate outlooks and the forcast skill are introduced briefly.

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