ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 21,Issue 2,1995 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Agroclimatic Potentialily Development Application and Countermeasures in Northeast China
    郭建平 高素华 潘亚茹
    1995, 21(2):3-9. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.001
    [Abstract](586) [HTML](0) [PDF 263.37 K](1125)
    Using the data of meteorology and crop yield in 100 meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1971 to 1990, the climatic adaptability of main food cropps are analysed and the climatic productivity are calculated. The results showed that the agroclimatic productivities for each crop are higher or highest ic the middle plain part of Northeastern China. hut in the northern part of 50°N and near by the Tianchi of Changbai Mountain are the lowest. At last,the structure patterns of main cropps are adjusted by using linear programming. The theory analysis of results showed that the structure adjustment is more beneficial to higher yield I stability and higher value.
    2  Wavelet Analysis of the Sandstorm in uansu Province
    戴新刚 丑纪范 朱姝
    1995, 21(2):10-15. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.002
    [Abstract](718) [HTML](0) [PDF 243.08 K](1093)
    The subject is to study an example of spedal sandstorm occurred in Gansu province with the mathematlc theory of wavelet transform.Through analyzing the time-series of the pressure, temerature and momentum,a strong mesoscale structure is found, it may be the major role of cansing a great damage.
    3  The Application of“Multi-Criterion Fuzzy Decision"to the Long Term Forecast of Dryness/Wetness Trend
    李恺心 姜晓艳
    1995, 21(2):16-18. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.003
    [Abstract](584) [HTML](0) [PDF 102.05 K](1197)
    Many methods have been used in long-term forecasts. The method of multi-criterion fuzzy decision is,therefore,introduced. A general appraisal is made according to forecasting accuracy.As a result,an order of optimum forecast methods as a basic principle for the final forecast is obtained.
    4  Lower Temperature in the Summer of 1993 and Its Impacts on Agriculture
    吴金栋 太华杰
    1995, 21(2):19-22. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.02.004
    [Abstract](534) [HTML](0) [PDF 144.87 K](1208)
    Based on the basic principles of agroclimatology and agrometeorology as well as the analysis of climatic characters in the Summer of 1993, a discussion on the adverse effects of Cool Summer"weather for agroculture production is made in order to diminish the disasters in later research.
    5  The Subtropical Circulation System in Spring Season and Its Effect on Fujian's Weather Midum-range Forecast
    张瑞桂 傅秀治
    1995, 21(2):23-26. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.005
    [Abstract](599) [HTML](0) [PDF 152.36 K](1310)
    Using spectral analytical method combined with synoptic charts,the 500hPa waves and spectral data in subtropical region of northern Hemisphere during spring season (Feb.-April)from 1989 to 1992 is analyzed, It shows that the super long waves in subtropical region can be classified into three categories: eastward, westward and stationary enhanced respectively. Long waves can be divided into quasi-stationary, unsuccessive westward and eastward long wave. Different category of super long wave or long wave flow patterns would cause different kinds of midium-range weather events in Fujian Province.
    6  Cloudness Features of Two Kinds of Dust Devil Weather in China
    郑新江 刘诚 崔小平 耿树民 赵亚民
    1995, 21(2):27-31. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.006
    [Abstract](919) [HTML](0) [PDF 318.36 K](1189)
    Cloudness features of two kinds of sandstorms are presented based on the analysis of two sandstorm weather events.
    7  The Forecasting of Ice Floe down the Songhua River
    王玉玺 陈凡凡
    1995, 21(2):32-35. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.02.007
    [Abstract](646) [HTML](0) [PDF 151.76 K](1116)
    In order to explore and make full use of water resources based on the analysis of the relation between atmospheric circulation and ice floe,the climate over Songhua River basin is analysed by means of statistics and the relation between ice floe and meteorological factor is defined.
    8  The Model Studies of Calculating the amount of Evaporation Using Differente Meteorological Elements
    张敏 宛公展
    1995, 21(2):36-40. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.008
    [Abstract](588) [HTML](0) [PDF 170.92 K](1018)
    A new empirical regression model is designed with nine meteorological elements besed on the simutation of calctllated Penman evaporative power. Statistical factors of the model are determined by calculation. A simple model has been obtained instead of Complex Penman model partically,which can be used to calculate portical evaporation capacity of water.
    9  The Application of Supporting System of Real-time Meteorological Data to Microcomputer
    陈伟民 陈永卫 沈斌 王平鲁 张今生
    1995, 21(2):43-47. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.010
    [Abstract](730) [HTML](0) [PDF 169.82 K](1153)
    Real-time Meteorological Data Application Supporting System includes real-time meteorological data processing,objective analysis and diagnosis. The system is operated simply. It can produce high qualitative analysis. It not only increases messages greatly for operational forecast but is also a useful fool for synoptic research.
    10  Meteorological Conditions of Spring Silkworm Growth and Its Yield Prediction in Biyang
    秦仁和 杜瑞莉
    1995, 21(2):48-50. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.011
    [Abstract](555) [HTML](0) [PDF 113.54 K](1140)
    Meteorological conditions of spring silkworm growth are studied. The results show that temperature and relative humidity are the key factors for spring silkworm growth. The factors for forecasting silkworm cocoon yield in Biyang County are found,and regression model is developed.
    11  Exploration of the Heat-effect for One Film in Dry Farming. Fields of Wheat and Corn
    仇化民 王宁珍 马妮娜
    1995, 21(2):51-54. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.2.012
    [Abstract](548) [HTML](0) [PDF 142.30 K](1170)
    The heat efficiency of one film in dry farming fields of wheat and corn is studied. It suggests that with the application of this plastic film,the soiltemperature could increase about 2-6℃ thus provided a favorable condition to the growth of winter-wheat .with a heat efficiency of 0. 997.Compared with that of single croping the heat efficiency has been raised by 24%-40%. And therefore one crop a year became two crOP a year. Per mu yield is about 440-610kg and compared with that of single croping it increased by 20%-80%.
    12  The Use of Fuzzy Comprehensive Policy-making Method in the Forecast of the Occurence Period of Overwintering Striped Rice Borer
    倪炳卿 林永俊
    1995, 21(2):55-57. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1995.02.013
    [Abstract](560) [HTML](0) [PDF 104.45 K](1106)
    According to the historical data and literature about the occurence of striped rice borer in Jiangle County, Fujian Province, with the extreme microtherm from November of last year to February of this year and the. effective accumulative temperature being equal to 12℃ or higher,the rainy days in March,the frost days from October of last year to March of this year, the extreme microtherm in March, the height period of the occurence of last generation of the snout moth as a forecasting basis,Fuzzy Comprehensive Policy-making Model is used to forecast thehigh pened of overwiniering striped rice borer. In that case,the rate of fitting with the historical cases would reach 96. 67 per centum. And the precision would be up to I class every three days,which enhances three times of the precision of the progressive regression analysis.

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