ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 20,Issue 6,1994 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Rainy Season in North China
    1994, 20(6):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.06.001
    [Abstract](755) [HTML](0) [PDF 223.18 K](1179)
    Using the dekad precipitation data, rainy season in North China is defined. The analysis shows that the rainy season begins and ends in the second dekad of July and August, respecitively. The climate change of rainy season intensity is divided into foe three stages. It was found that the change of rainy season intensity is related with the change of 500hpa height field in QinghaiXizang plateau region and ENSO event.
    2  Application of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition in Meteorology: Development and Prospect
    1994, 20(6):9-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.002
    [Abstract](792) [HTML](0) [PDF 239.16 K](1381)
    Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition which have been used in meteorology for last 10 years are introduced concisely. It includes expert system,artificial neural network, intelligent database, computer understanding and imitation of weather process and recognition of satellite picture etc. Some advanced tentative ideas have been put forward.
    3  A Test of Recognition of Centres of High and Low Pressure and Trough-Line
    袁美英 徐南平 于振东
    1994, 20(6):15-19. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.003
    [Abstract](987) [HTML](0) [PDF 183.20 K](1423)
    Europe-Asia regional grid data is prepared and convered into computer screen grid data. By calculation,contour lines are drawn up. And then,high pressure centres and low pressure centres and trough-lines are determined with statistical recognition and fuzzy recognition technology,and reduced with wind observation. Test suggests that a connection of artificial intelligence work station could be made.
    4  Graphics Distinguishment on Meteorogram with Computer
    1994, 20(6):20-23. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.004
    [Abstract](979) [HTML](0) [PDF 127.88 K](1232)
    Based on synoptic systems' definations and meteorogram analysing standard, methods and formulas, to distinguish typical equiscalar line, trouth-line, high center, low center, cold center, warm center and tropical cyclone are summed up,and the distinguishing procedure with computer is given.
    5  Analysis and Recognition of Satellite Image with Computer
    王耀生 王燕 冯晓娟 师春香
    1994, 20(6):24-32. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.005
    [Abstract](959) [HTML](0) [PDF 432.42 K](1394)
    A technique of satellite image recognition with computer, mathematical morphology combined with syntax pattern recognition,and cloud system structure connected with synoptic system,is introduced. With the technique,a test of recognition of cloud system of a typhoon process is made. The result shows that the structures,shopes and composition are various at different evo lution stages of a typhoon. It is also shown that the new method has an advantage to reveal the overall structure features of a cloud system that is superior to the traditional statistical recognition method.
    6  A study on the System of Synoptic Chart Database
    俞善贤 王耀生 吴尧祥 潘小凡 毛燕军 卢家麟
    1994, 20(6):33-38. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.06.006
    [Abstract](604) [HTML](0) [PDF 211.02 K](1201)
    The designs and some concrete practices of the synoptic chart database are introduced. The primary functions of the system constructed are given.
    7  On the Integration of Intelligent Weather Forecasting System
    林孔元 黄瑞祥 刘正光 周远晖
    1994, 20(6):39-42. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.007
    [Abstract](781) [HTML](0) [PDF 156.50 K](1196)
    Human's behavior of weather forecasting is a very complicated cognitive action. Organization and task distribution of intelligent weather forecasting system must be based on the cognitive pro cess. Design of an integrated platform which has the ability to understand weather process is a key step in system construction.
    8  On the Application of Artificial Neural Network for Weather Forecast
    1994, 20(6):43-47. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.008
    [Abstract](1233) [HTML](0) [PDF 202.91 K](1292)
    The research on the application of artificial neural networks for calamitous (rainstorm) weather forecast is reported. The mathematical description of weather forecast,the difficult points of the problem,the principle of neural network for forecast,the characteristics of rainstorm forecast and our improvements of neural network models are described and analyzed. The results show that by learning from samples, the networks can extract enough classified imformations from original data and reach good forecast index. It means further works in this direction are worth.
    9  An Attempt of Guangxi Early Rainy Season Rainstorm Forecast with Expert Neural Network
    杨望月 那基坤 曾奋
    1994, 20(6):48-50. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.6.009
    [Abstract](612) [HTML](0) [PDF 87.75 K](1136)
    A method of expert neural network and the trail rainstorm forecasting with the method during Guangxi early rainy season is introduced, in order to explore a new method of disastrous weather forecast with artificial intelligence.

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