ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 20,Issue 4,1994 Table of Contents

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  • 1  On the Seasonal Transition in Global Kinetic Energy at 100hPa and 300hPa
    魏民 李晓东 仇永炎
    1994, 20(4):3-9. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.04.001
    [Abstract](625) [HTML](0) [PDF 251.73 K](1151)
    Utilizing the data of monthly mean of the zonal kinetic energy(KZ)and eddy kinetic energy(KE)over the entire globe at 500hPa, 300hPa and 100hPa during the period of 1980-1988,the seasonal rapid changes(SRC)in the general circulation in terms of these kinetic energy modes have been investigated.Three main results are obtained. First,seasonal rapid changes of KZ take place generally in March.April and October at the three levels over the northern extratropical and tropical belts,but in the south only in the tropic there exist rapid changes.Second,in June there are also seasonal rapid changes of KZ over the northern tropic at 100hPa and 500hPa,which are located at the lower stratosphere and midtroposphere,Third,rapid changes at 100hPa are often more obvious than that at 300hPa.And the seasonal changes for KZ at the three level,are more significant than that for KE.
    2  The Distribution and Calculation of Diffush Solar Radiation in Fujian Province
    1994, 20(4):10-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.002
    [Abstract](698) [HTML](0) [PDF 174.33 K](1399)
    The relative sunshine and total cloud cover are used to calculate the diffuse solar radiation in Fujian Province.First,the relative sunshine is used to calculate the net diffuse solar radiation.Then,the formula of diffuse solar radiation is established. Last,the distribution of diffuse solar radiation in Fujian is discussed.
    3  The Research on Calculation of Wind Energy
    孙济良 陈喜军 孙秀艳
    1994, 20(4):15-19. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.04.003
    [Abstract](598) [HTML](0) [PDF 147.58 K](1356)
    Abstract:The wind velocity is the sole important meteorological factor in the formula calculating wind energy,it is a stochastic variable.The distributed models.of wind velocity are of an important form that can reflect characteristics of wind velocity in different areas. A new distributed model of wind velocity is developed. The new model can change itself structure along with variation of parameters of the model to fit in with the distributed characteristic of wind velocity in different areas.It is valuable to extensive practical application.
    4  Features of Weather/Climate in China,1993
    1994, 20(4):20-22. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.04.004
    [Abstract](589) [HTML](0) [PDF 114.04 K](1198)
    In 1993,there was more plentiful Precipitation in large part of China.The duration of drought was usually not very long,and arid areas focused in the north.In the rainy season,there was less sustained heavy rain in the large area,but more local heavy rains and floods in the south,and more serious waterlogging damage in Guangdong,Hunan,Jiangxi,Jiangsu, Shandong Provinces. There were poorer temperature and sunshine conditions in the spring and summer,but much plentiful in the autumn. Seven typhoons/tropical storms landed on China.In general,it's a normal or better climatic year in China.
    5  General Circulation over Northern Hemisphere in 1993 and Their Impact on the Weather and Climate in China
    1994, 20(4):23-26. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.005
    [Abstract](635) [HTML](0) [PDF 174.30 K](1241)
    General circulation features over the Northern Hemisphere in 1993 are analysed. It is shown that the subtropical high over the west Pacific is stronger than normal,and extends to the,west,and at the same time moves southward continuosly.Meridinal circulation is dominant in the middle latitude of Asia in the spring and summer.The East Asia/Pacific teleconnection pattern is very stable.At 500hPa,the geopotential height over the Qinghai-Xizang plateau is higher than normal since March.The southern branch trough is weaker than normal. At 100hPa,the geopotential height in the low latitude is above normal, but that in the middle-high latitude is below normal.The location of the South Asia High is farther to the south than normal. A new El Nino event took place in the tropical Pacific in 1993. The anomaly of both the tropical Pacific and atmosphere circulation exerted a significant impact on the weather and climate in China.
    6  Global Climate Review for 1993
    1994, 20(4):27-29. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.006
    [Abstract](748) [HTML](0) [PDF 115.58 K](1209)
    According to analyses on climate monitoring and reports from the foreign press,the global climate in 1993 are reviewed. In general,the global climate in 1993 was characterized as frequent unusual or extreme climatic events in parts of the world.For example,"the Spring Century Storm"in the eastern United States,"the Great Flood" during June-Auguast in the western United States,exceptional cool and rainy summer in Japan and Jianghuai Region of China,the severe droughts of NE Brazil and the eastern Australia,violent flood of the western Europe during autumn and early winter,and etc.All above-mentioned were related to ENSO event throughout the year and meridional circulation pattern at the high-mid latitudes in most of the year.
    7  Second-order Packing of GRIB Code
    赵芳 应显勋
    1994, 20(4):30-33. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.007
    [Abstract](675) [HTML](0) [PDF 177.17 K](1132)
    GRIB code is a kind of binary packing code suitable for representating grid field datas of NWP products.It's suggested by WMO nowdays.Based on the principle of First-order Packing of GRIB code,this artical's discussion centre on the conception.principle and methods of Second-order Packing of GRIB code.
    8  The Efficiency of NWP Products Applied to Analysing of "5. 5" Catastrophic Sand Devil
    张芬馥 陆如华
    1994, 20(4):34-36. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.008
    [Abstract](751) [HTML](0) [PDF 133.61 K](1347)
    Analysis of the performance of T42 LAFS and ECMWF NWP models and efficiency of their products.suggests that the 500hPa pattern prodictions of all kinds of the models are successful.The informations can be refered to the medium-range and short-range forecasting decision. The wind predictions of T42 and LAFS model are of higher quality. The prediction quality of the other physical parameters should be made better and improved in the future.
    9  Soil Moisture Monitoring with Polar-orbiting Satellite Data
    1994, 20(4):37-40. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.009
    [Abstract](651) [HTML](0) [PDF 168.68 K](1193)
    Methods of monitoring moisture of upper soil layer with NOAA-11 data are discussed.To eliminate the effects of soil conditions.the whole Shandong province is divided into four regions to establish the relationship between soil moisture and remote sensing data.Taking into account of climatic conditions and the influences of different vegetations,simple reduction methods are given. Besides, repeated geographic updating of satellite data,output and storage of data are described.
    10  A Method of Heavy Snow Forecasting in South China
    高智松 魏柏温
    1994, 20(4):41-43. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.010
    [Abstract](867) [HTML](0) [PDF 105.03 K](1307)
    Snowfall and snow depth,that are two characteristics forming heavy snow are forecasted with several methods.Then the final method of heavy snow forecasting is obtained by inference and adding some new conditions.Many medium results of forecasting are also obtained for service with these methods.
    11  An Approach to the Relationship between Hypertention and Meteorological Elements
    蔡世同 邓晓莹
    1994, 20(4):44-46. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1994.4.011
    [Abstract](581) [HTML](0) [PDF 99.47 K](1349)
    Analysis shows that hypertention is usually affected by sharp fluctuation of meteorological element's,such as the air temperature,air pressure,etc.It is also shown that hypertention is related with meteorological elements.for the peak of hypertention is identical in the periods of maximum inter-monthly climatic variation,and this is a cause of hypertention.

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