ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 19,Issue 4,1993 Table of Contents

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  • Text List
  • Abstract List
  • 1  The Application of Kalman Filter Technique to Weather Forecasting
    黄嘉佑 谢庄
    1993, 19(4):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.4.001
    [Abstract](1057) [HTML](0) [PDF 174.11 K](1332)
    The application of Kalman filter technique to weather forecasting-short-range MOS forecasting and long-range forecasting-with its progress in recent years are summerized.
    2  Relationship between the Growing and Yielding of Herbage and Meteorological Elements in the North Slope of the Tianshan Mountains
    徐德源 黄敬锋 王淑民 李星华 林柯
    1993, 19(4):8-11. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.4.002
    [Abstract](700) [HTML](0) [PDF 129.13 K](1306)
    Based on experimental data,the relationship between the growing of herbage and meteorological conditions is studied. The climate ecological indices of the main growing stages are given. The relationship between the green values,leaf areas of herbage and its yield is presented. The mathematical models on growing yielding of herbage with light, temperature and water are set up.
    3  The tests for heavy rain forecasting based on dynamical interpretation of NWP products
    1993, 19(4):12-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.4.003
    [Abstract](643) [HTML](0) [PDF 133.67 K](1328)
    The major points on dynamical interpretation of NWP products are to put the observed 6-hour rainfall(≥10mm)into the formula calculating the intensity of precipitation and vertical velocity , and then the vertical velocity and the intensity of precipitation forecast given by the model are modified by the model products,u,v,Q and w,finally the rainfall is calculated,The heavy rain forecast in two ways,on grids(1°×1°) and at 435 stations.The verification shows that heavy rain forecasts by dynamical interpretation of NWP products are more or less better than that of the model forecasts for the category, 100mm rainfall. For the categories,25mm and 50mm rainfall,it is worse in August and better in September this year than that of the model forecasts.

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