ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 19,Issue 2,1993 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The Foehn in the Middle Range of Taihang Mountain
    赵世林 王荣科 郭彦波 谭建龙 石志增
    1993, 19(2):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.2.001
    [Abstract](848) [HTML](0) [PDF 177.73 K](1202)
    Based on the meteorological data of 35 years,a foehn model in the middle range of Taihang Mountain is given. The relationship between the foehn and west wind and the terrain is discussed.
    2  A Fuzzy Mean Generating Function (FMGF)Model and Its Application
    魏凤英 曹鸿兴
    1993, 19(2):7-11. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.2.002
    [Abstract](601) [HTML](0) [PDF 141.00 K](1013)
    Generalizing mean generating function(MGF) into fuzzy set,fuzzy mean generating function (FMGF) is defined and a modelling scheme and its calculating procedure are suggested. Experiments of summer precipitation along the reaches of the Huaihe and the Changjiang Rivers result in that the scheme is suitable for longterm prediction with high accuracy.
    3  The Mesoscale Characteristics of Kinematics of a Wind Field near the Stationary Front
    戴铁丕 陈明 梁汉明 陈钟荣
    1993, 19(2):12-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1993.2.003
    [Abstract](683) [HTML](0) [PDF 172.15 K](1229)
    The characteristics of mesoscale structures of a wind field near the stationary front in the period of rainstorm in the Jianghuai area is analysed based on the wind data of doppler radar in Nanjing Institute of Meteorology. Results indicate that there is a cold advection in the surface layer and a warm advection at the higher level near the stationary front. At low-layer wind direction is Northeast, wind speed decreased with the altitude. At the 2. 0 km level wind speed reaches to the minimum and wind direction shifts to southwest,we find that vertical circulation and divergence exist at the low-level and convergence at the higher level.

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