ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 9,1992 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Relationship between the Summer Precipitation in the South of North China
    李自强 马生春
    1992, 18(9):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.09.001
    [Abstract](687) [HTML](0) [PDF 466.41 K](1278)
    It is found that the relationship between the phase of 50 hPa QBO in summer season and the precipitation and drought/flood trend in the south of North China is featured with distictive stages, and is notably affected by the 11-year solar cycle. For the period of 1951-1989, in the even-numbered 11-year solar cycle the positive anomaly occurs in the west phase of the 50 hPa QBO and negative anomaly occurs in the east phase of the QBO, while in the odd-numbered 11-year solar cycle the positive anomaly occurs in the east phase of the 50hPa QBO and negative anomaly occurs in the west phase of QBO. The evolution of QBO intensity at 59 hPa is analyzed, which shows the marked sudden change processes, andin the odd-numbered 11-year solar cycle the intensity of east zonal wind is stronger than that in the even-numbered cycles.
    2  Forecasting of Explosive Cyclonegesis over Northwest Pacific Using Cloud Imagery Models and NWP
    李修芳 林名智 余鹤书
    1992, 18(9):8-12. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.9.002
    [Abstract](689) [HTML](0) [PDF 665.16 K](1217)
    Five categories of cloud imagery models for explosive cyclonegesis are summed up by analyzing of the features of cloud images produced at the early stage of explosive cyclonegesis over the northwest Pacific Ocean. A case study shows that the development of a cloud system is related to the physical parameters. Here is given the technique for forecasting of the explosive cyclonegesis in the northwest Pacific Ocean in 21 hours based on cloud imagery model and NWP.

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