ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 7,1992 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Average air temperature series and its variations in China
    唐国利 林学椿
    1992, 18(7):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.7.001
    [Abstract](832) [HTML](0) [PDF 399.50 K](1366)
    In the paper, the annually and monthly mean temperature series of the whole China is shown based on the analysis of the monthly mean temperature at 716 stations in China about 2.2×105 data from 1921-1990. The climatic variations of the mean temperature series are discussed The . results show that from 40's to 60's,the mean temperature of the whole China was falling more obviously than that of the northern hemisphere, but in 80' s the temperature in northern hemisphere was going much higher than that in China
    2  An analysis on the characteristics of the mixing layer in the area of the Pearl River Delta
    梁汉明 董保群 彭贤安 田广生
    1992, 18(7):7-11. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.7.002
    [Abstract](679) [HTML](0) [PDF 427.41 K](1219)
    The top height and thickness of the mixing layer in ABL are measured with radiosonde data taken from some stations over the Pearl River Delta in winter and summer days, 1988. The analysed result shows that the heights of the mixing layer in this area appear lower and with a feature of multi-layer structure are in the most case.

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