ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 4,1992 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Recognition method of hail cloud and statistical nowcasting model
    戴铁丕 郑传烈 郑克刚
    1992, 18(4):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.04.001
    [Abstract](662) [HTML](0) [PDF 543.99 K](1122)
    With radar observations of echo intensity, along with the information on weather conditions and hazards, as well as radiosonde data,the paper discusses the relationship between the top height of radar echoes and the hail probability associated with severe convection in Jiangsu Province. The single-parameter formula incorporating with conditional probability of hail is used to identify hail cloud. The data of the angle between the moving direction of band and strip-trpe echoes and the direction of upper airbwind are statistical analysized
    2  A model for acreage estimation of early rice with the data from NOAA-AVHRR
    张明席 胡成群
    1992, 18(4):9-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.4.002
    [Abstract](514) [HTML](0) [PDF 618.43 K](1113)
    In this paper, "a technique is given to estimate the acreage of eariy rice with the data from NOAA-AVHRR . The results from experiments in the sample field and even from the actual operation show that the technique is effective, applicable, and with abvious physical intention.

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