ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 2,1992 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Cloud chemistry model and some consequential advances in its researches
    1992, 18(2):3-10. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.02.001
    [Abstract](755) [HTML](0) [PDF 781.13 K](1250)
    In the paper, some advances in the researches of cloud chemistry model is described summarily from the aspects of chemiscal reaction in cloud, the washout process of air pollutions and aerosols by cloud droplets and raindrops, cloud chemistry model and so on.
    2  The relationship between the summer rainfall in China and the northern Pacific oscillation in winter
    赵振国 廖荃荪
    1992, 18(2):11-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.2.002
    [Abstract](647) [HTML](0) [PDF 579.08 K](1278)
    In the paper, the relationship between the summer rainfall in China and the intensity of the northern Pacific oscillation (NPO) in winter is analysed. The results indicate that, the major rain belt is located in or north to the Yellow River Valley in summer(Rainfall pattern 1) when NPO is stronger than normal in winter, while the major rain belt occurs between the. Yellow River and the Changjiang River in summer (Rainfall pattern 2) when NPO is weaker than normal in winter. Besides, the change of NPO from winter to summer and its response to SST anomalies in the northern Pacific are also studied.
    3  A case study on microphysical structure of clouds and precipitation over the area of Daxinganling forestfires
    1992, 18(2):17-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.2.003
    [Abstract](666) [HTML](0) [PDF 433.05 K](1156)
    Horizontal observations, were made of the clouds over tne area ot Daxinganling forestfires on May 24, 1987, using airborne PMS probes. The analysis shows that (1) the ice crystals(25-800 μm)a,nd precipitation paticles (200-6400μm) from space and the the regions for space-dendrites forming appear with their higher concentrations, comparing to those from the regions with dendrites and stells,(2)the sowfall with space-dendrites shows the highest indensity among the various precipitation particles.

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