ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 10,1992 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Modernized Method and Service System for Distribution of Meteorological Products
    杨金政 冯斌贤 金鸿祥 罗建国
    1992, 18(10):3-9. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.10.001
    [Abstract](634) [HTML](0) [PDF 651.86 K](1195)
    Large amounts of meteorological products have been provided by the atmosphere remote sensers detection and numerical weather forecasting since the middle 80s . The optimum technical strategy and methods distributing the products to users with high efficiency in real time have been developed to meet the new situation. Based on the summary of Meteorology Information Distribution System (MIDS) which have been emerging abroad vigorously since late 80s, the structure and features of the first similar system in China--Wuhan Weather Information Distribution Service System (WIDSS) are introduced here.
    2  Relationship between the Distribution of Air Pollutants and Meteorological Elements in China
    梁汉明 董保群 任阵海 吴中勇 陈隆勋
    1992, 18(10):10-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.10.002
    [Abstract](1426) [HTML](0) [PDF 632.49 K](1308)
    The mean distributions of dustfall amount, SO2and NOxcontens in air, and the pH values of precipitation from 1981 to 1986 in China are compared with the meteorological elements, such as precipitation, humidity and surface wind field at the same time. The results show .the relations between them. The distributions of these pollutants change depending on the change or the abnormal states of the meteorological elements.
    3  Diagnosis and Simulation of Heavy Rainstorm 21,July 1989
    沈建国 康玲
    1992, 18(10):17-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.10.003
    [Abstract](688) [HTML](0) [PDF 454.04 K](1193)
    Diagnostic analysis and numerical simulation have been performed for a heavy rainstorm in July,20-21,1989 in the middle western part of the Inner Monglia. The results show that South Asia high causes a strong divergence field in the upper layer of troposphere in this re-gion,the short wave trough from west makes a shear line move northword,warm moisture air and cold dry air suddenly meet each other which produces the unstable wave, and the relationship between the rainfall position and the convergence line is close, the model experiment indicates that dynamic and thermal forcing of topography is one of main reasons for the convergence of the surface wind field to form. The difference caused by the orographic effect and the intensity of the convergence line is significant.

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