ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 18,Issue 1,1992 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The stage character of relationship between 50 hPa QBO in winter and summer drought/flood trend in the lower and middle reaches of changjiang River
    李自强 马生春
    1992, 18(1):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.01.001
    [Abstract](740) [HTML](0) [PDF 460.49 K](1284)
    It is shown that the relationship between the phase of 50 hPa QBO in winter and the summer drought/flood trend in the lower and middle reaches of Changjiang River is characterized by very marked stages. For the entire period of 1953-1989, the relationship between them is very weak. But according to the data they could be devided into three stages.The relationship in each stage is very strong.And the anomalous evolution of 50 hPa QBO is examined that shows to be related properly with the stratifying of the three stages.
    2  Procedure for man-computer interactive very short-range forecasts
    朱文琴 杨志伟 石定朴
    1992, 18(1):7-12. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.1.002
    [Abstract](737) [HTML](0) [PDF 606.26 K](1364)
    On a microcomputer the comprehensive analysis is made on the diagnosis of physical quantities, radar echoes, satellite cloud pictures, wind profile by UHF radar, data about lightning and remotely-sensed water vapor, etc. in a partly man-computer interactive manner, and than the commended forecast by the microcomputer is put forward. This will serve for inproving the accuracy of forecasting severe convcctive weather, systems in flood seasons in Bejing-Tianjin-Hebei area and for forecast automation.
    3  A preliminary analysis of the relationship between the tropical cyclones landing on china and El Nino events
    刘聪 曲学实
    1992, 18(1):13-17. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1992.1.003
    [Abstract](821) [HTML](0) [PDF 544.59 K](1368)
    In this paper, the relationship between the tropical cyclones landing on China and the El Nino events is statistically analysed. The results show that of the tropical cyclones and typhoones landing on China are less in El Nino years and more in anti-El Nino years. So are the landing latitudes. The degree of these relationships is diverse in different moths and latitude regitons. Its possible reason is caused by abnomal Walker and Hadley Circulation and the position of Subtropical high ridge during the. El Nino events.

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