ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 17,Issue 11,1991 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The abrupt climatic change of the summer precipitation in Jilin Province and its correlation analysis with the India-Pakistan monsoon depression
    刘实 章少卿
    1991, 17(11):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1991.11.001
    [Abstract](708) [HTML](0) [PDF 451.93 K](1250)
    In this paper, the precipitation in Jilin Province in summer (June-August) and the departures of SLP (sea level pressure) and height at 500 hPa in the India-Pakistan region were analyzed with the analytic scheme of abrupt climatic change.The results suggested that abrupt climatic changes (or quasi-abrupt climatic changes) happened around 1967. Both the precipitation and the departures of SLP and the height at 500 hPa have the same quasi-periodic variation. The departures of SLP and the height at 500hPa are in advance of the precipitation about one year. Anomalous signs SLP and the height at 500hPa in India-Pakistan region have conservative property .This conservative property have an effect on precipitation in Jilin Province in summer.
    2  The improved "BM" method and its application of analysing on droughts and floods in Jiangsu Province
    沈金妹 董晓敏
    1991, 17(11):8-13. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1991.11.002
    [Abstract](661) [HTML](0) [PDF 453.09 K](1254)
    The droughts and floods which occurred within Jiangsu Province were analyzed quantitatively and objectively with an improved " Bhalme and Mooley (BM) index'" method.Compared with the results of the previous investigations and the actural data of disasters, it suggested that the method is feasible to the quantitative and objective analysis on the droughts and floods taking place within the province.It has an even higher accuracy and may meet the needs of the public services.
    3  The atmospheric transmittance of infrared long window band
    黄意玢 金燕 王维和
    1991, 17(11):14-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1991.11.003
    [Abstract](632) [HTML](0) [PDF 217.98 K](1234)
    In this paper, the atmospheric transmittance of infrared long window band was computed by LOWTRAN 6 and compared with observation. They are agreeable to each other.
    4  The study on optimum density of surface observation networks over mountainy and hilly regions in Fujian Province
    蔡学湛 张容焱
    1991, 17(11):17-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1991.11.004
    [Abstract](640) [HTML](0) [PDF 428.81 K](1243)
    In this paper, based on the principle of the structure function and its characteristic relation to the error of linear interpolation of meteorological element, optimun distances between climate stations over mo-untainy regions of Fujian Province are estimated with a division of to-pograph.The results show that optimum distances between climate stations over mountainous,hilly region and plain in Fujian province are 39, 42. and 50km.

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