ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 16,Issue 4,1990 Table of Contents

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  • 1  An analytical sample of streamline fields of .upper air and bottom layer affecting acidity of precipitation
    张铮 盛裴轩
    1990, 16(4):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.04.001
    [Abstract](582) [HTML](0) [PDF 656.39 K](1243)
    From February 23 to March 2 of 1986, there, was a process of cold front precipitation in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces.By means of analysing streamline fields of upper air and bottom layer during this pe-riod and of calculating air trajectory for 72 hours, we knew directions and coverages of air stream in different .layers,Having measured acidity and other parameters of precipitation at intervals of time, the results showed: precipitation's acidity became lower gradually when streams of middle and battom layers turned to the south from the north in a passing cold front. We may consider that air streams travelling from the north industry and mining districts, such as Hunan and other remote provinces bring acidulous .compounds far. more than those coming from offshore areas in .the south.
    2  A test on the comprehensive method for the tropical cyclone track forecast
    薛宗元 吴天泉 费亮 徐静远
    1990, 16(4):9-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.04.002
    [Abstract](657) [HTML](0) [PDF 569.94 K](1271)
    Here shows a new statistical system (CTFS) combining three differenttechniques,SD-85,CLIPER, and 500hPa steering which is being used atShanghai Typhoon Institute.Three sets of forecast components obtainedfrom the three methods mentioned-abbve are taken as new independentvariables.Then,stepwise regression analysis has been adopted to establishthe statistical relation between the actual displacement components and the above variables. Finally, the system was tested on operational data for 1987 and 1988.The results show that the new system is more advanced than its three sub-method in respect of forecast precision.
    3  Abrupt variations of the total ozone in Beijing area and its relationship with upper air temperature
    杨贤为 夏洪星 吴香玲
    1990, 16(4):15-18. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.04.003
    [Abstract](690) [HTML](0) [PDF 336.73 K](1308)
    The ozone and aerological sounding data during 1980-1986 in Beijing area are used to discuss the abrupt variations of the total ozone and its relationship with the changes of the upper air temperature.The results are: 1. All processes of the abrupt variations of the total ozone in Beijing area take place in springs and winters. 2. With the sudden increase of the total ozone, there is temperature decrease in the troposphere but an increase in the stratosphere. 3. The levels where the variations of the air temperature and the total ozone show their best negative or positive correlation are 500hPa and 70hPa, and their correlation coefficients are -0.85 and 0.63 respectively.
    4  Reconstruction of paleo-temperature series based on historical documents
    1990, 16(4):19-23. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.04.004
    [Abstract](862) [HTML](0) [PDF 413.25 K](1435)
    Ten-year mean seasonal and annual temperature anomaly series were reconstructed on the basis of historical documents. The cold events such as snowing, .freezing and anomalous frosts were calibrated by use of modern temperature observations, to determine the severity index of each kind of the events.The severity indices were integrated for each decade from 1380s to 1980s in the northern and eastern China respectively. Then,the severity index series were transformed, into decadal temperature anomalies.

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