ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 16,Issue 3,1990 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The statistical analysis of atmospheric blocking in the Northern Hemisphere
    赵汉光 陈雪珍
    1990, 16(3):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.3.001
    [Abstract](906) [HTML](0) [PDF 481.89 K](1322)
    Based on the data of the.daily 500hPa in the Northern Hemisphere from 1,971 to 1988, the blocking.activities along 60°N is statistically analysed. The results show that the frequency of blocking activities in the latitu- dinal variation is characterized by four wave patterns and the position of the maximum wave peak is at the 20°W. The seasonal variation of blocking in the region of eastern Atlantic, central Pacific and from East-European to Urals is the most obvious. The blocking activities can be divided into three patterns, eastward and westward mobile, and stationary. The probability of the stationary blocking accounts for 55.1%. It is predominant in summer. On the cantrary, the blocking of the mobile pattern is predominant in autumn and winter. Its average living period is 11,5 days. The long-range variations of blocking in all regions show the period of quasi-biennial osciallation.
    2  Mean wind profiles and turbulent diffusivity profiles within a wheat canopy
    1990, 16(3):8-12. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.03.002
    [Abstract](535) [HTML](0) [PDF 493.01 K](1267)
    In this paper, the characteristics of mean wind profiles and meanturbulent diffusivity profiles within the wheat field are calculated anddiscussed". The results show that mean wind profiles and mean turbulentdiffusivity profiles within the wheat field can be represented by an exponential function as follows.u(z)=u(H)exp[α1(z/H)-1)],Km(Z)=Km(H)exp[α2(z/H)-1]。α12The results of a1, a2 are compared with that of another authors.
    3  On the accurate calculation to the pseudo-equivalent potential temperature
    李任承 顾光芹
    1990, 16(3):13-17. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.3.003
    [Abstract](929) [HTML](0) [PDF 360.26 K](1986)
    In this paper, the correct expression and the accurate calculation scheme are presented in regard to pseudo-equivalent potential temperature.It is applicable to weather, analysis and meteorological research.
    4  A primary study of assessing models of water resource impacted by climate in the plain of North China
    1990, 16(3):18-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.03.004
    [Abstract](660) [HTML](0) [PDF 336.21 K](1364)
    In this paper, based on balance formula of region water, resource (P=R+E+Ug±△V) and Palmer Drought Model, the assessment models of macrocosmic and dynamic water resource impacted by, climate are established. Some tests are made by observational data.

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