ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 16,Issue 2,1990 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Some abvances in climate impact assessment
    1990, 16(2):3-10. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.2.001
    [Abstract](522) [HTML](0) [PDF 813.06 K](1258)
    In this paper, some abvances in the approach, method and study of climate impact assessment in and out of China are reviewed in detail. Then some proposals for further development of this study are suggested.
    2  Variations of temperature in China for the 100 year.period in comparison with global temperatures
    1990, 16(2):11-15. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.2.002
    [Abstract](1241) [HTML](0) [PDF 430.79 K](1573)
    The variations of ten year mean annual temperature are examined based oh the temperature grade data set (1910-1988) and stational temperature observation in Haerbin, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou (1880 -1979) .The temperature variation in China is compared ' with that in the .Northern Hemisphere and over the globe.
    3  The constitution of the candidate predictors and the method of selecting predictors
    1990, 16(2):16-22. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.02.003
    [Abstract](614) [HTML](0) [PDF 594.01 K](1325)
    Discussions of the correlation between the residuals of predictand and predictor suggested that the candidate predictors consist of two different parts of Predictors.Predictors of the first part are these that the correlation between the predictand and predictor is better, while the correlation between one and another of the predictors is not good.Predictors of the second part are these that the correlation between the predictapd and predictor is very bad while the correlation between the main predictor and the predictors is best or worst. And a method of selecting predictors which are made up of the candidate predictors is put forward and called the Method suited to the main predictor.
    4  Source regions of tropical storms over northwestPacific Ocean
    1990, 16(2):23-26. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.2.004
    [Abstract](1005) [HTML](0) [PDF 418.07 K](1476)
    Statistical analysis suggests that there are three source regions of the tropical storms over northwest Pacific Ocean.They are all around 15 °N, the west source region is situated on the Phillpine Basin, the east one on . the west Mariana Basin and Mariana Tranch;the third on South China Basin. The geographical locations of the east and west source regions vary monthly. The created frequencies in both regions are also changable.
    5  Computations and applications of surface emissivity for the microwave sounding unit window channel
    1990, 16(2):27-32. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1990.2.005
    [Abstract](726) [HTML](0) [PDF 485.56 K](1276)
    This paper presents the background and methods for estimation of surface emissity from the MSU measurements. It shows the results obtained from NOAA-10 MSU data of December 13,1988 at 1050 GMT using the methods discribed in the paper. And the results have a good agreement with Grody's (1983) . Applications of surface emissity are briefly discribed at the end of paper. It can be seen that the different types of surface can be distinguished through MSU surface emissity, and it is possible to observe the flooding areas and sea ice by using MSU surface emissity.

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