ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 15,Issue 12,1989 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Measurement of the O3 and NO2 column abundance at the Great Wall Station Antarctica
    1989, 15(12):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.12.001
    [Abstract](595) [HTML](0) [PDF 451.96 K](1295)
    In the Fifth Antarctic Research Expedition of China(1988-1.989),the high resolution spectra of the ,sun were obtained at Great Wall Station "from Dec.1988 to Feb.1989.The waveband used to reduce the O3 ane NO2 column abundance are 300-340 nm and 444-450 nm,respectively.The results of this measurement are discussed.The O3 .column abundance in this measurement varies in the range of 316-400 DU with average 341 DU,while the NO2 gives a average value of 2.16 × 1616cm-2.
    2  The relationship between the SO and monthly or seasonal mean temperature in China
    施能 刘卫兵 苗子书
    1989, 15(12):8-12. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.12.002
    [Abstract](630) [HTML](0) [PDF 505.00 K](1370)
    It is pointed out that most correlations between the SO and the monthly or seasonal mean temperatures in China are positive in September,February and April and show persistently negative after September in current year. The maximum seasonal correlations occur in the autumn of the current year and in the spring of the next year. The annual mean tempearature in the next year in the lower Changjiang Reaches and Guangdong, Fujian and Shandong Provinces are in close negative relation with the SO.These relations can be used for temperature prediction.In addition,it is also found that early El Nino signals exist in the monthly or seasonal mean temperature records of April, May,September and October.
    3  A study on periodicity for freezing injury of citrus in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River
    霍治国 张养才
    1989, 15(12):13-16. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.12.003
    [Abstract](609) [HTML](0) [PDF 338.46 K](1241)
    In this paper,that negative accumulated temperature lower than or equal to-90℃ and extremly minimum temperature lower than or equal to-8℃ are taken as the freezing injury index to citrus of hibernation in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. The periodicity of freezing injury of citrus is analysed by use of power spectral method, analysis of variance and harmonic analysis in this area.The simulating results achieved from the power spectral method are similar to the practice in production. The tendency in periodicity for freezing injury of citrus could be shown by variance analysis.While the periodicity for freezing injury of citrus is not able to be obtained using the harmonic analysis alone.The quasi-ten-year periodicities for freezing injury of citrus dominate over this area.

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