ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 15,Issue 11,1989 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Analysis on spatial-temporal variation of the anomalous warm winter in China and the general circulation features in Northern Hemisphere
    赵汉光 张桂森
    1989, 15(11):15-20. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.11.003
    [Abstract](542) [HTML](0) [PDF 547.00 K](1384)
    Based on the data of the temperature grades in China (1911-1989) ,analysis on spatial-temporal variation of the anomalous warm winter(AWW) in China and the general circulation features in the NorthernHemisphere is made.It is found that the AWW years mainly occur in theperiod of 1940's and last 10 years with different cyclic stages. Especiallyobvious AWW appears in the regions of Northwest China, Changjiang River Basin and South China. During the last 10 years, the AWW probability takes place most frequently in the region of Northeast China and South China, while rather rarely in the region of Southwest China.The years of AWW have significantly increased in the north of China since 1980's, especially in the region of Northeast China. And the general circulation of the Northern Hemisphere is characterized by the westerly belt here, which appears mainly in Wave 3 and by the anomalous field over Asia, which is lower in west and higher in east.
    2  The humid air column and drier-warm air lid over the northeast Qinghai-Xizang,Plateau
    李文源 孙纪政
    1989, 15(11):21-25. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.11.004
    [Abstract](599) [HTML](0) [PDF 445.24 K](1285)
    In this paper,a synoptic event is described to show that there is a, humid air column and a drier-warm air lid presented 12-hours before a hailstorm.Their physical constructions are analysed with finite areas and fine grids, and their contributing factors and a concept model are given.
    3  Calculation of longwave radiation flux using HIRS/2 instrument measurements
    刘全华 董超华 黎光清
    1989, 15(11):26-29. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.11.005
    [Abstract](564) [HTML](0) [PDF 374.20 K](1339)
    In this paper,a quasi-analytic function relation of the measurements for radiation measurements made by satellite and longwave radiation flux made by KIRS/2 is given based or, a radiative transfer equation. An accurate and last method of calculating longwave radiation flux is generated and examined using NOAA-10 HIRS/2 five channels measurements.
    4  The piecewise weighing dynamic model for yield prediction of the middle-season rice in Jiangsu
    汤志成 高苹
    1989, 15(11):30-34. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1989.11.006
    [Abstract](547) [HTML](0) [PDF 402.06 K](1301)
    Using the stagewise moving average of the Grey System model GM (1,1) ,the trend yield Yt is simulated. According to the number of the cars and grain as well as the weight, of a grain,especially their contribution to the yield, the weight coefficients of three growing stages are developed and the climate-related yield of each stage is also found out. The predicting models for climate-related yield each stage are established with MA1CE successive regression method. And the rice yield is predicted dynamically by piecewise weighting.Finally, the yields of 1986 -1988 are estimated.

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