ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 14,Issue 12,1988 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The OLR field characteristics of serious cold summer in Northeast China
    毛贤敏 夏梅艳 刘桂芳 袁国恩 杨旭
    1988, 14(12):4-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1988.12.002
    [Abstract](699) [HTML](0) [PDF 423.72 K](1373)
    In this paper ,the OLR field characteristics of the serious cold summer in theNortheast China have been found.According to the anomaly values of OLR field characteristics in the key region, the serious cold summer could be predicated half a year in advance.
    2  An analysis on kinetic energy of bailfall process
    1988, 14(12):9-13. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1988.12.003
    [Abstract](705) [HTML](0) [PDF 381.48 K](1426)
    According to the observed data of two hailfall processes occured in the Mancheng county of Hebei Province during June 29, 1987, kinetic energy of hail-fall to the ground is preliminarily analysed in this paper.It is found that the, kinetic energy density (ET), the flux of kinetic energy (E), the mass .of hail (Mr) and the flux of mass (M) observed in the damaged areas are explicitly much higher than those of non-damaged areas.
    3  Indices of Walker Circulation and Hadley Circulation
    王绍武 石伟
    1988, 14(12):14-17. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1988.12.004
    [Abstract](753) [HTML](0) [PDF 317.46 K](1334)
    The indices of Walker Circulation and Hadley Circulation are defined on the basis of surface wind data set. The variation of the indices and the relationship between them as well as the El are discussed.
    4  The grey forecast of annual mean temperature in Wuhan City
    1988, 14(12):18-22. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1988.12.005
    [Abstract](666) [HTML](0) [PDF 481.20 K](1296)
    The indices of Walker Circulation and Hadley Circulation are defined on the basis of surface wind data set. The variation of the indices and the relationship between them as well as the El are discussed.

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