ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 13,Issue 9,1987 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The model-output re-diagnoses and graphic display for numerical weather productions
    王继志 汤桂生
    1987, 13(9):3-7. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.09.001
    [Abstract](607) [HTML](0) [PDF 16.54 M](1352)
    In this paper, a new technique, the status and development of the Model-Output Re-Diagnoses (MOD)and graphic display for numerical weather productions have been discussed. The role in weather analysis and forecasting for this technique have also been documented.The current development of operational systems for computer-graphic display in Beijing Meteorological center and some ideas to develop those operational systems for the local stations have been discussed.
    2  MOS probability forecasts of moderate and heavy precipitation for 248 stations nationwide
    1987, 13(9):8-13. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.9.002
    [Abstract](613) [HTML](0) [PDF 582.36 K](1204)
    The approach to produce MOS probability forecasts of moderate and heavy .precipitation is shown in the paper. So are the conditions to narrow sample size, design and derivation of predictors, procedure to adjust the forecast probabilities as well as verification and reasons for errors. And it expounds how the fields on a surfaces from model forecasts used as predictors, two dimensional interpolation, and variables' changes are made and employed in MOS forecasting. Their effects on MOS forecasts are also explained.
    3  Characteristics of severe connective processes and leads of nowcasting in aft-trough pattern over East China
    1987, 13(9):14-20. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.9.003
    [Abstract](544) [HTML](0) [PDF 746.68 K](1140)
    Based on the mesoanalysis of six convective processes in 500hPa aft-trough pattern. Some characteristics of activities of severe convective systems over East China are found. Combined with the actual situation, the auther points out the leads when using weather radars data to do nowcasting of severe convective weather.
    4  A preliminary approach to rainy autumns over West China in recent 2000 years
    任炳潭 李惠颖
    1987, 13(9):21-24. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.9.004
    [Abstract](691) [HTML](0) [PDF 352.84 K](1233)
    It shows that there are 353 years with rainy autumn from A. D. first to 1949, that is, one in about every 5.5 years. From A. D. 1950 to 1985, there are 8 years with rainy autumn. From A. D. first to 1985, there are two below periods (years with rainy autumn below average), two very below ones, three above ones, and one very above one. It lies in very above period now, and in the coming 30 years, rainy autumns will below.
    5  On several kinds of errors in the measuring of radar echo top hights
    戴铁丕 楼文珠
    1987, 13(9):25-29. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.9.005
    [Abstract](578) [HTML](0) [PDF 468.98 K](1368)
    It has been shown by studying the radar echo top heights that the abnormal refraction of the atmosphere can cause obvious errors in the radar measurements of height. But echo top height errors are negligible in short range under standard condition of the atmosphere because errors cansed by several factors counteract each other, BO the radar measurements of convective cloud top heights are quite accurate.

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