ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 13,Issue 6,1987 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The application of meteorological data processing products in GRID Form and its future
    1987, 13(6):3-6. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.6.001
    [Abstract](612) [HTML](0) [PDF 435.83 K](1325)
    In this paper, the GRID Form of NWP products and its major application for operational weather forecasting are described. It is explained in brief why it is worth being used and what advantages it has in dissemnation of data processing products.It is also pointed out that with the progress in NWP and developing in computer technology and telecommunication net, this type of data and its utilities will play a important role in boosting automation of weather forecasting.
    2  The initialization test in numerical prediction of heavy rain
    匡本贺 俞康庆 胡伯威 谢齐强
    1987, 13(6):7-10. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.06.002
    [Abstract](596) [HTML](0) [PDF 347.61 K](1334)
    This paper represents a new initialization program and some results of a number of model runs for cases. The samples of less successful prediction from historical cases were computed once again using the new program. The results are much better than that of previous. Some progress have been arrived by introducting this new program into practical prediction experiments during the rainy season 1986.
    3  Improvement of analog model and its application to typhoon track predicton
    1987, 13(6):11-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.6.003
    [Abstract](708) [HTML](0) [PDF 543.04 K](1289)
    The operational improvements in HURRAN model are made. These are (1) give the different duration of action according to concrete conditions and (2) give the prediction track and its probability ellipse in accordance with weight score, which can be decided based on the general circulation and forecast experiences.The effect of the improved model is evident. The errors of typhoon movement di-rection prediction is much smaller than HURRAN model, but the errors of speed is still bigger around a turn in typhoon track.
    4  Image features of the interaction processes between typhoon and westerlies system and heavy rain
    叶惠明 江吉喜
    1987, 13(6):15-20. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.6.004
    [Abstract](732) [HTML](0) [PDF 909.78 K](1259)
    Based on the satellite images of eighteen cases, three image types during interaction processes between typhoon and westerlies system are presented. The circulation and physical conditions of interaction occurrence and accompanying heavy rain areanalysed.
    5  A statistical and climatological analysis of sea-level pressi re, air temperature and precipitation in East China
    1987, 13(6):21-24. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.06.005
    [Abstract](589) [HTML](0) [PDF 397.88 K](1299)
    The data of sea-level pressure, air temperature and precipitation field in January and July from 1954 to 1983 over East China are analysed by empirical orthogonal expen-sion. It is shown that climate in a year can be approximately simulated by the complex engenvectors of these climatic variations.
    6  An auto-controller for WT-1 satellite antenna
    1987, 13(6):25-28. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.6.006
    [Abstract](899) [HTML](0) [PDF 888.57 K](1336)
    This device is an advanced equipment used to control WT-1 receiving antenna to track satellite signals automatically.Its main parts consist of:a single-board microcomputer containing an expansion I/o interface, an 8-Bit A/D converter with 16 channels, a CRT display in addition to a graphic-control module, two angle transfer parts of the antenna, as well as some application programmes with versatile function.The functions are as follows:The equipment can carry out time-counting, and move the antenna to the predetermined primary position to pick up the signals. The system can control the antenna to track satellite signals automatically. CRT displays various parameters and graphics in real-time, such as current time, present position of the antenna,flying track of the nadirs of satellites, the pan disk-graphic of the receiving scope of the ground station along with geographic landimarks.

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