ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P

Volume 13,Issue 2,1987 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  A review cf analysis and forecast of frontal system
    1987, 13(2):3-8. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.001
    [Abstract](652) [HTML](0) [PDF 587.95 K](1535)
    Great advances have been made in frontal research since 1970s. Mesoscale structure-of frontal rainbands was revealed by Doppler radar. Frontogenetical theory was deve. loped and evolution of meso-BBB system on front was successfully simulated by numerical model.Nevertheless, future observational, diagnostic and theoretical investigation is still ceded. Relation between front and upper level jet streaks as well as interaction between cross,-front circulation and mesoscale convective system on the front should be-clarified. Meanwhile, various mesoscale dynamical instabilities including conditional. symmetrical instability should be inquired further.Finally, some suggestions about research of the fronts in China are made.
    2  Characteristics of severe convective processes and leads of nowcasting in fore-trough pattern in East China
    1987, 13(2):9-14. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.002
    [Abstract](603) [HTML](0) [PDF 533.47 K](1343)
    Based on the mesoanalysis of eight convective processes in 500 hPa fore-trough pattern, some characteristics of activities of severe convective systems in East China are found. Combined with the actual situation, the author points out the leads when using weather radars data to do nowcasting of severe convective weather.
    3  The seasonal transition of Indian high in early summer and its relation with general circulation in Northern Hemisphere and summer precipitation in China
    陈兴芳 晁淑懿
    1987, 13(2):15-21. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.003
    [Abstract](523) [HTML](0) [PDF 654.11 K](1320)
    The paper discusses the relation between the seasonal transition from winter to summer indicated with evacuation of high from Indian area and general circulation in Northern Hemisphere and summer precipitation in China. It shows that during the early (late) year of seasonal transition from winter to summer negative (positive) anomaly of 500hPa height field in Indian area is dominant, West Pacific subtropic high is to the north (south), summer rainfall is plentiful (less). The anomaly disturbance of 500hPa height field in Indian area propogates as a wave along a passage through the extratropics in East Asia and polar to Western Hemisphere.
    4  Preliminary results of retrieving atmospherical temperature profiles from meteorological satellite observation
    张凤英 马霞麟
    1987, 13(2):22-25. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.004
    [Abstract](730) [HTML](0) [PDF 397.48 K](1310)
    The meteorological satellite sounding data has been used in numerical forecast in many countries. This paper introduces the methods for retrieving atmospheric temperature profiles from meteorological satellite vertical sounding data and the calculations of regression retrieval coefficients used in the statistical method. The preliminary results retrieved from NOAA-7 TOVS data using the statistical method are shown in the end of paper. Comparisons between retrieval results and radiosounde data indicate: absolute mean bias and root mean square (RMS) errors about 2-3℃ at each pressure levels.
    5  Temperature characteristics of solar radiation instruments
    吕文华 石恒志
    1987, 13(2):26-28. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.005
    [Abstract](639) [HTML](0) [PDF 270.25 K](995)
    This paper is mainly presented the temperature characteristics of the DFY-1 pyrheliometers and DFY-2 pyranometers which have been widely used to measure the solar radiation in meteorology, agriculture, energysource, research, etc.
    6  An analysis of the amount and law of water consumption for winter wheat
    朱自玺 牛现增 付湘军
    1987, 13(2):29-32. DOI: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.1987.2.006
    [Abstract](578) [HTML](0) [PDF 383.77 K](1329)
    According to the data of experiment from October, 198S to June, 1986, the paper analyzed and determined the optimum water consumption from the relationship be-ween yield and water consumption. It also multievaluated the different treatments from grain yields, straw yields, water use efficiencies and irrigation costs and determined the optimum treatment The results obtained from the two methods are the same. The law of water consumption during the different stages for winter wheat is analyzed and it is useful to water management of crop field and climatical evaluation.

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