Analysis on the return period of heavy precipitation in Shandong based on Copula function
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Based on the hourly precipitation data of 122 national meteorological stations in Shandong from 1966 to 2023, the frequency variation of heavy precipitation are analyzed. Different marginal distribution functions are used to fit the duration and amount of precipitation and the change patterns of the return periods of heavy precipitation with different durations based on Copula function are investigated. The results are as followed. There is a significant dependence relation between the duration and amount of heavy precipitation, which can be fitted well using generalized extreme values and logarithmic normal distribution functions. The Gumbel Copula and Clayton Copula functions are suitable for portraying the dependence structure of the binary variables of the short-duration heavy precipitation in Shandong, while the Clayton Copula function is more appropriate when the precipitation lasts more than 8 h. The return period estimated by daily precipitation may seriously underestimate the hazard of short-duration heavy precipitation. For a short-duration heavy precipitation event under the same hazard-bearing condition, the shorter the duration, the longer the joint return period. The high-value areas of joint return period estimated by the Copula function gradually narrow down from the east and the south of Shandong to the east of Shandong with the increase of precipitation duration, and especially, the hazard of heavy precipitation that comes along once every 60 years is higher in the east and the south of Shandong. This method can more scientifically describe the disaster risks of heavy precipitation in different scenarios, especially in the short-duration heavy precipitation scenario, providing scientific reference for disaster prevention and mitigation planning and disaster risk managing in Shandong.