Abstract:Based on daily observation data of wire icing of 191 meteorological stations in Guizhou, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces from 1961 to 2019, the number of wire icing days, the extreme values of standard ice thickness, the maximum consecutive icing days, and the beginning and ending dates of wire icing in the study area are calculated. The wire icing risk indicator is constructed to evaluate the risk of wire icing. The results show that the number of wire icing days shows a slight downward trend on the whole in the past 60 years, and it reached the maximum value in the 1980s. Wire icing occurs most in January. The extreme values of standard ice thickness are concentrated in 20-50 mm, and most of the extreme values are found in Hunan. The interdecadal distribution is extremely uneven, the most of the extreme values are seen in 2011-2019. The maximum consecutive icing days are concentrated in 5-15 days. On the whole, the maximum consecutive icing days in Guizhou are more than in Hunan and Jiangxi. The beginning date of wire icing tends to be advanced in fluctuation, but the ending date tends to be postponed in fluctuation. The annual change of the wire icing risk indicator shows a decreasing trend. The high-risk areas for wire icing are mainly located in central and western Guizhou, central Hunan and northern Jiangxi, with a wire icing risk indicator greater than 0.6.