Application of Loss Rate Evaluation Model in Meteorological Disaster Loss Evaluation in Guangdong
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Using the data of the 1995-2021 Guangdong Disaster Prevention and Reduction Yearbook and the 2021 Guangdong Statistical Yearbook, based on the loss rate assessment model for meteorological disaster losses, we quantitatively analyze and assess the annual losses and total losses of five major meteorological disasters caused by rainstorm, flood, typhoon, low temperature freezing, drought and severe convection (including lightning strike) in Guangdong in the past 27 years. The results show that the peak values of annual loss rate indexes of typhoon, rainstorm, low temperature freezing, severe convection and total loss all appeared in the middle and late 1990s, while the peak value of drought loss rate index was seen in 2002. The total losses of meteorological disasters in Guangdong were extremely heavy in 6 years, of which the loss rate index in 1994 reached 7.62, so 1994 is the year with the highest total loss of meteorological disasters during the research periods. In the past 27 years, the loss rate index of the total losses caused by meteorological disasters in Guangdong has shown a significant decreasing trend. The average index value during the period from 2000 to 2020 was 0.17, a decrease of 92.54% compared to the average value from 1994 to 1999, and a decrease of 60.83% in the index of deaths and missing persons.