Characteristics and Possible Causes of the Climate Anomalies over China in Summer 2022
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The climate over China in summer 2022 was extremely abnormal, with significant regional floods and droughts and spatial difference in rainfall distribution. Based on observational and reanalysis dataset, the characteristics and possible causes of East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) and climate anomalies over China was summarized and investigated through correlation and composite analysis. It has been found that the seasonal march of EASM was ahead of climatological mean in general. The onset date of South China Sea monsoon, and the start dates of preMeiyu rainy season in South China, rainy season in Southwest China, Meiyu in Jiangnan and the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, rainy season in North China and Northeast China were all earlier than in normal years. The average surface temperature over China in summer 2022 ranked the highest since 1961, while the average precipitation across the whole China was the second lowest compared with the rainfall in the same period in history. The Yangtze River Basin experienced recordbreaking high temperatures and drought in midsummer. The distribution of precipitation also showed significant intraseasonal variability. In early and middle 〖JP2〗June, the main rain belt was in South China. 〖JP〗From late June through August, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) shifted northward bringing the main rain belt to shift to North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai Region and eastern Northwest China, and the precipitation in the eastern part of China was “more in the north and less in the south”. The heat wave and drought persisted in the Yangtze River Valley throughout the summer. The abnormal climate in summer 2022 was closely related to the oceanic external forcing. The reinforcement of La Ni〖AKn~D〗a in spring and intensified negative SST anomalies in central Pacific, active convection over maritime continent, developing negative phase of Indian Ocean dipole mode, the Kuroshio and its warm extension area all contributed to the intensification and northwestward extension of WPSH, the northward location of the summer main rain belt and the recordbreaking heat wave in the Yangtze River Valley.