Abstract:The general atmospheric circulation in July 2021 was mainly characterized by polar vortexes in Arctic Region with two centers stronger than normal, and the western North Pacific subtropical high was located more weastern and northern to the climatological location with stronger intensity. The national averaged monthly mean temperature in China was 23.1℃, 1.3℃ higher than the climatology (21.8℃). The national averaged monthly precipitation in China was 124.4 mm, 3.2% more than the climatology (120.6 mm). There were seven severe rain processes in July 2021, of which the most extreme one occurred in Henan Province, where observed precipitations at many sites broke the historical records. Among the three tropical cyclones active over the South China Sea and western North Pacific, No.2106 Typhoon Yanhua and No.2107 Typhoon Chapaka made landfall in China. The total landing numbers of typhoon were equal to normal. In addition, the long-lasting and wide-spreading high temperature events occurred in South China, south of Yangtze River, Xinjiang, and western part of the Inner Mongolia with daily maximum temperature at many sites breaking the historical records.