Abstract:Two successive longlived mesoscale convective systems (MCSA1, MCSA2) struck Pearl River Estuary of South China during 8-9 May 2014, and induced extreme precipitation over the region. From noon of 8 May MCSA1 sustained over than 11 h on land of South China, with slowly moving towards southeast from east of Guangxi to Pearl River Estuary in Guangdong. The successive MCSA2 sustained more than 9 h, inducing rainfall of more than 400 mm along the coast of the Pearl River Estuary from early morning to noon of 9 May. Weak cold surface layer sustained in the south of South China with weak surface temperature gradience on the morning of 8 May before the convection burst. The initialization of convection was connected with strengthening of surface south 〖JP2〗wind and topographic lifting near noon of 8 May. MCSA1 evolved from〖JP〗 training line/adjoining stratiform (TL/AS) to mesoscale vortex in convective organization under weak baroclinic environment. With propagation of surface cool pool due to MCSA1’s precipitation in the early night of 8 May, surface temperature boundary and wind convergence zone was pushed to the southwest coast of Guangdong. In the late night of 8 May MCSA1 moved out of land, then MCSA2 was developing adjointly to the remnant cool pool boundary induced by MCSA1 with lowlevel southwest wind enhancing in the early morning of 9 May. MCSA2 was composed by multiple parallel mesoβ scale linetype convective systems, the extreme rainfall was related with quasistationary cool pool boundary, trainmoving cells in mesoβ scale linetype convective systems with high precipitation efficiency. From late night of 8 May to morning of 9 May, the balance between cool pool outflow and lowlevel vertical shear could sustain upright convective cells of MCSA2. In conclusion, with carefully researching on convective feedback to boundary and surface layer, the forecast skills could be improved for heavy rainfall events in weak synopticforcing environment during the prerainy season in South China.