Abstract:In this study, the specific methods of estimating surface longwave radiation fluxes under allsky condition are elucidated. An inverse model for cloudysky surface downward longwave radiation (DLR) flux retrieval is developed based on infrared radiative transfer calculation, statistical regression analysis of simulated data, and atmospheric profiles. After that, we combine the inverse model and GFS data to calculate FY4A cleansky and cloudysky DLR values. Then, on the basis of the Aqua/CERES global DLR product, it validates the corresponding product of FY4A during day or night time. The final results show that RMSE=20.52 W·m-2, R=0.9481, BIAS=3.3 W·m-2 (nighttime); RMSE=25.58 W·m-2,R=0.9096, BIAS=5.4 W·m-2 (daytime). Besides, we also successfully calculate the cloudysky upwelling longwave radiation (ULR) product at surface, which is combined with the operational FY4A clearsky ULR product to make a joint allsky product. The validations of FY4A allsky ULR show that RMSE=10.97 W·m-2,R=0.9762,BIAS=-3.3 W·m-2 (nighttime); RMSE=19.97 W·m-2, R=0.9283,BIAS=5.0 W·m-2 (daytime). The validation results mentionedabove indicate the retrieval methods developed in this research are feasible and highquality, which could be used for retrieving new operational DLR/ULR products for FY4 series satellites in future.