Validation of FY-3C MWRI Total Precipitable Water Products
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FY-3C is the second generation polar meteorological satellite which was developed by China independently and launched in 2013. MWRI (microwave radiance imager) is an important microwave load which can monitor air, ocean and land. As a product of MWRI, TPW (total precipitable water) can be used in numerical weather prediction and climate research. But, the effect of the application relies on the accuracy of TPW. Based on the 4-year satellite observation data, the quality of TPW products is validated by comparing the TPW products with the radiosonde TPW or SSMIS TPW products. As a result, the RMSE (root mean square error) of orbit product is 2.6 mm and the average relative error is 7%. What’s more, the RMSE of day product is 3 mm and 2.1 mm when separately compared with SSMIS and radiosonde. The accuracy of month product is stable and the RMSE is less than 1.3 mm. Above findings show that FY-3C MWRI TPW products have a high precision and good stability, and have the application ability in weather and climate field.