ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Analysis of the April 2019 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather

National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081

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    The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in April 2019 are as follows. Two polar vortex centers were in the Northern Hemisphere. The circulation in middle-high latitudes of the Eurasian showed an atypical three-wave pattern, and there was a positive anomaly of the geopotential height over most of China. The strength of Western Pacific subtropical high and the Bay of Bengal trough were both stronger than the climatological normal. The monthly mean temperature was 12.7℃, higher than the normal (11.0℃) by 1.7℃. The monthly mean precipitation amount was 49 mm, more than the normal (44.7 mm) by 9.6%. Two nationwide strong cold air processes happened in this month. There were eight heavy rainfall events and nine severe convection events throughout the country in this month. Several provinces were attacked by severe thunderstorms and hail disaster while severe droughts occurred in the northeast of Inner Mongolia and Northeast China. In addition, Northern China experienced four sand-dust weather events.

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  • Received:May 29,2019
  • Revised:June 06,2019
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  • Online: August 12,2019
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