Abstract:Ozone is a significant trace gas in the atmosphere. It has both chemically and radiatively active characteristics, directly affecting global climate change and the Earth’s environment. The OMI on board the AURA, uses both OMITOMS and OMIDOAS algorithms to retrieve total ozone column (TOC). The purpose of this study is to produce a comparable result about the similarities and differences of the two algorithms in China. Firstly, this paper analyzes the statistical characteristics of the two algorithm products, and the results show that the two have good consistency. Secondly, the relationship between the two ozone products and the position of the pixel are analyzed separately. In the pixels that are not affected by the rowanomaly, both algorithms are not affected by the position of the pixel. In addition, the paper also studies the effects of cloud and solar zenith angle on the two algorithms. The difference between the two products is greater in cloudy pixels. When the cloud fraction is 70%, the difference reaches the largest amount. Moreover, the deviation increases with the increase of the solar zenith angle in cloudy conditions. Stratospheric SO2 and absorbent aerosols have no significant effect on both algorithms.