Characteristics of Atmospheric and Oceanic Condition and Their Influences on Summer Climate of China in 2018
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The anomalous climate features in China during the summer (JJA) of 2018, corresponding atmospheric circulation anomalies in East Asia and possible impacts from the ocean are analyzed in this paper. The results show that in the summer (JJA) of 2018, the average precipitation in China is 9.6% more than average. The precipitation in North and South China is more than normal while the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River Valley is less than average. The atmospheric circulation in summer exhibits a typical feature of strong East Asian summer monsoon. The East Asian subtropical jet and the Northwest Pacific subtropical high are both significantly more northward located than average. In the lower troposphere, a cyclonic circulation dominates the area near the Philippines. At the same time, the midhigh latitude atmospheric circulation over Eurasia mainly exhibits a zonal feature. Under the combined impacts of the subtropical and midhigh latitude circulation, the transportation of water vapor to North and Northwest China is strengthened and more precipitation is induced in these regions. The precipitation in South China is also increased because of the strengthened tropical convective activity near South China Sea. However, in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River Valley, anomalous divergence and subsidence is observed and less precipitation is caused. In addition, it is also revealed that the La Nina event from October 2017 to April 2018 exerted a significant impact on the East Asian summer monsoon circulation and the summer precipitation in China.