Abstract:This article selects some weather processes including heavy rainfall and general rainfall, using statistical method to contrast Parsivel precipitation particle spectrometer data and pluviometer data from five stations in Nanjing. The results show that the particle spectrometer data are close to the pluviometer data in rainfall processes. When the rain intensity is between 10-20 mm·h-1, the particle spectrometer data have the largest difference from the pluviometer data. However, the particle spectrometer data are bigger than the pluviometer data as a whole when the rain intensity is either larger than 20 mm·h-1 or between 0 and 1 mm·h-1, or when the rainfall particle diameter is bigger than 2 mm.The result is opposite when the rain intensity is between 1 and 20 mm·h-1, or when the particle diameter is smaller than 2 mm.