Applying Timed Wind Dataset in Arctic to Studying Return Period of Yearly Maximum Wind Speed
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The data of international exchange stations are an important basis for studying engineering meteorological parameters in the area of only few observational data. However, this data are timed data which have some quality problems. Therefore, quality control of the data and the transform of timed data are necessary before further study. Being to lack of other references, the quality control of the data includes temporal consistency check, spatial consistency check and consistency check between various observed elements based on the weather and climate characteristics of Arctic. Return period wind speed is calculated with yearly maximum wind speed (usually 10 min average wind) which may not occur in timed data. However, there is no any good ways to obtain hourly data from timed data, return period wind speed is therefore obtained mainly through correcting the return period wind speed calculated from timed data. By applying wind speed standard deviation, the relationship between return period wind speed calculated from timed data and yearly data is established, with which return period wind speed in Arctic is obtained.