Impact of Sensible Temperature on Summer Weather-Sensitive Power Load Rate in Huangshi City
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Based on the daily sensible temperature in Huangshi City, Hubei Province from 2007 to 2013, the trend of electric load rate and its response to the meteorology factors were discussed. The results showed that the sensible temperature and the human comfort index have good applicability in analyzing the impact of weather factors on the electric load rate, and the sensible temperature is shown to be the highest correlation factor. As to the power load rate, it has a linear growth from 2007 to 2013 but decreases during the financial crisis. What’s more, the meteorological load rate in working days was higher before 2011. Since then, the phenomenon has appeared to reverse, and the difference has increased. Finally, it is found that the sensible temperature higher than 22.9℃ (weekdays) or 21.5℃ (holidays) would produce the sensitive load, while 1℃ increase of sensible temperature could bring up to 6% additional meteorological load rate.