Study of GPM DualFrequency Radar in Detecting Snow
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The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission core observatory was launched in February 2014, carrying the dualfrequency precipitation radar (DPR). The DPR consists of two radars with microwave frequencies of Ka and Ku bands. DPR is expected to extend its ability to capture weak rain and snow in higher latitudes. In order to evaluate the ability of DPR in snow detection, four cases are analyzed. As a result, particle phase products of DPR are consistence with the actual weather condition and the temperature of solid snow is lower than -0.5℃. What’s more, the heights of most storm tops are lower than 6 km. By comparison, actual Kuband radar detectability turns out to outperform the Ka band radar in identifying the existence of snow because of an obvious improvement of sensitivity. KaMS and KaHS are also useful. In order to improve snow retrieval, the attenuation correction of snow is very important, especially for wet snow.