ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Analysis of the April 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather

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    The following are the main characteristics of the general circulation of atmosphere in April 2016. There were two polar vortex centers in the Northern Hemisphere, and the strength of main polar vortex center was weaker than normal. There were four waves around the earth in middlehigh latitudes. The position and strength of East Asia trough and south branch were close to normal annual means. The area and strength of subtropical high in the Northern Hemisphere were stronger than annual means and the northern boundary of Northwestern Pacific subtropical high maintained near 20° N. Moreover, shortwave trough in low latitudes was active than usual. In April, the monthly mean temperature of China is 12.6℃, 1.6℃ higher than usual, being the second highest value in record for the same period. The mean precipitation of China is 62.2 mm in April, 39.1% higher than usual. There were three cold air events over the country, and four sanddust events in the north of China in April. Rainfalls were seen frequently in the south of China, and 10 heavy rain processes occurred during the month. In addition, several severe convective weather events such as shorttime severe precipitation, thunderstorm and gales in Jiangnan Region and Huanan Region of China.

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  • Received:May 19,2016
  • Revised:June 06,2016
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  • Online: August 01,2016
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