Comparison of the Reflectivities of Wind Profile Radar and Raindrop Disdrometer
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Focusing on the need that the reflectivity data estimated by wind profile radar should be validated comparison experiment of the reflectivities of wind profile radar (WPR) and the raindrop disdrometer was carried out. Through the comparison of the detection data from the two kinds of detection equipments the reliability and usability of the wind profiler radar reflectivity is tested. The results show that the contrast method between the reflectivity of the low mode 360-1440 m of the wind profile radar and the reflectivity of 3 min raindrop disdrometer is determined to reduce the temporal and spatial differences in maximum extent. When the raindrop disdrometer reflectivity is less than 40 dBz, the wind profile radar reflectivity data are reliable and available. At the same time, the limited dynamic range of the wind profile radar causes the phenomenon of underestimated reflectivity so that the application of the wind profile radar reflectivity is limited somewhat in the atmospheric vertical structure and microphysical properties and so on.