Abstract:The torrential rainfall in the middle and northern parts of Zhejiang Province on 7 June 2013 was diagnosed based on the latest ECMWF ERAInterim global reanalysis data with 0.75°×0.75° resolution. The results show that the torrential rain was caused by two developing eastwardmoving systems-an upperlevel shortwave trough and a lowlevel southwest vortex, and the torrential rainfall area over the middle and northern of Zhejiang are located in the coupling area of the upperlevel and lowlevel jet streams. A large amount of instability energy was stored below 700 hPa before the occurrence of rainstorm, which was triggered by the southwest vortex close to the torrential rainfall area. The analysis of environmental fields by means of physical decomposition of atmospheric variables shows that background ambient was in favor of this regional rainstorm, causing the instantaneous anomaly field to trigger the torrential rainfall at last. The torrential rainfall is obviously located in the anomalous warm convergence shear line at 850 hPa.