The separation between operational forecasting and research has been a serious limitation for advanced techniques to be transferred into operation. The 2013 warmseason experiment, which was carried out by National Meteorological Centre (NMC) through collaborating with Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), Nanjing University, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), mainly focuses on seeking a new cooperation mode between operation units and research institutions to inspire new initiatives for operationally relevant research and accelerate the transfer of promising new tools from research to operations. In this paper, the recurrence conjunctive discussion about severe weather events, the advanced techniques testing and the simulated operational environment for weather forecasting, which supports the experiment, are introduced. Based on this experiment, an operational simulation system including the realtime operational data flow and tested data flow supporting subsystem, the quantitative precipitation forecast and severe convective weather forecast platforms, the realtime model verification subsystem is built. The conjunctive discussion creates a facetoface interview platform for forecasters and researchers, pushing forecasters to learn to address operational challenges from a more scientific perspective and researchers to understand more the operational needs and become better equipped to get over the application research problems proposed in the discussion. The advanced techniques testing shows that the high resolution mesoscale models are useful for severe convective weather and heavy rainfall operational forecasting, the radar wind retrieval technology and the satellite weather application platform are useful for quick analysis on mesoscale convective weather, and the cooperation between forecasters and researchers is the key factor for techniques to be transferred into operation.