Research Progresses on Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Their Operational Applications in Climate Monitoring and Prediction
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Weather and climate extreme events can be divided into individual extreme events and regional extreme events. This paper reviews the progress of the studies on extreme events. Firstly, the paper pays attentions to observation study on temperature extremes, precipitation extremes, droughts and the related indices at individual station, and then reviews the study about the increasing regional extreme events in recent years and also reviews the study progress in predicting climatic extreme events. Meanwhile, a summary of the current climate monitoring and prediction operations of extreme events in China and in the world has been preliminarily carried out. The results show that the operational products in extreme event monitoring are very rich in China with a leading position in the field of regional extreme event monitoring, but in the form of products there is not a unified organization, especially in products in English. Regarding the climatic prediction of extreme events National Climate Centre has developed two methods: One is a BP CCA and OSR drought prediction method based on physical statistics, and the other is high temperature prediction method based on the National Climate Centre Monthly Dynamic Extended Range Forecast (DERF) model. Finally, an outlook of climate monitoring and prediction operations of extreme events and related scientific issues is given, and a stress is made on continuing to strengthen the frontier researches and operational capacity building of extreme events in the future.