Impact of Initial Soil Moisture on a Heavy Precipitation Simulation
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In order to analyze the influence of soil moisture on the simulation of precipitation in the WRFV3.3.1 mode, we use the soil moisture output from the China Land Soil Moisture Data Assimilaton System (CLSMDAS) to replace the soil moisture in the WRF initial field, on the basis of comparative analysis of four land surface process schemes, the heavy precipitation which occurred in Jiangxi Province on 19 June 2010 was simulated to study the influence of improved soil moisture on the model simulation of precipitation. The results show that the Noah scheme gives more reasonable results than SLAB, RUC and PX schemes. By comparative test we find that the simulation from the CLSMDAS output soil moisture generally agree with the observations, being able to simulate the intensity and range of heavy precipitation in 24 h as well as the response of the surface energy. The statistical verification test also shows that the TS score is higher, the miss rate, the false alarm and the bias are lower than the results from NCEP initial soil moisture. All these tell us that the accurate soil moisture can improve the forecasting capability of model simulation.