ISSN 1000-0526
CN 11-2282/P
Operational System of Severe Convective Weather Comprehensive Monitoring

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    The convective weather forecasting is based on its monitoring. The Severe Weather Prediction Centre of National Meteorological Centre constructed an operational system of severe convective weather comprehensive monitoring based on the multi source data, including conventional observation data, automatic weather station (AWS) data, lightning data, radar data and satellite data. The convective weather monitoring includes cumuli, high temperature at surface, thunderstorm, cloud ground lightning, hail, tornadoes, high winds, thunderstorm high winds, short duration heavy rain, radar reflectivity, convective storms (based on radar data), deep convective clouds, and mesoscale convective systems (MCS) based on the IR satellite data. The system gives the different distributions of different convective weather in different periods. The techniques used in the system include: The quality control of AWS data, the extracting information and statistical technique of convective weather, (Cartesian Tracking Radar Echoes by Correlation, CTREC), (Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis and Nowcasting, TITAN), identification of deep convective clouds, identification and tracking of MCS, and lightning density monitoring. The system of monitoring convective weather automatically runs regularly, fully compatible with the MICAPS platform. The monitoring system at National Meteorological Centre has played an important role in real time convective weather forecasting.

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  • Received:February 06,2012
  • Revised:September 07,2012
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  • Online: February 22,2013
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