Abstract:On the basis of the physiological characteristics of single cropping rice and existing research results, the suitability models in different regions about temperature, precipitation and sunshine are constructed. In order to express the synergetic effect of meteorological factors and yields, a climatic suitability model of single cropping rice is established. According to suitability of single cropping rice in different periods, suitability indicator models on different time scales are set up by two methods. Based on the relationship between climate suitability index and single cropping rice yield, climatic suitability indicators on different time scales are set up. The results indicated that the climatic suitability index constructed by the normalization method is much better than that by the absolute value method. The discrimination of climatic suitability indicators is suitable for measuring the level of single cropping rice yield. Climatic suitability indicators have high evaluation accuracy, thus it can meet the needs of operational services and can be used in evaluating the suitable level of climatic condition on rice growth and yield.