Introducing and Influence Testing of the New Cloud Fraction Scheme in the GRAPES
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By numerical experiments, the EC cloud fraction schemes (ECFS), the WRF cloud fraction schemes (WCFS), the GRAPES cloud fraction scheme (GCFS) and the simple cloud fraction scheme (SCFS) are compared. The results show that: (1) The cloud coverage is well simulated by all schemes, but the results by ECFS and SCFS are more accurate; (2) The total cloudiness simulation is more than observations in SCFS, that in GCFS and WCFS is less than observations, and that in ECFS is closer to observations; (3) The surface temperature is general agreement between simulations and observations in East China, but the temperature has much error in West China. By contrast, the simulation in ECFS is closer to observations; (4) Based on a comprehensive analysis, ECFS produces a better simulation. Thus ECFS can be used as a reference of a new cloud fraction scheme which would be introduced into GRAPES model.