The Value Estimation of Meteorological Service in China Based on Contingent Valuation
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Frequent severe weather conditions and subsequent huge damages have risen many concerns in the meteorological services including a necessary evaluation of the current quality and level of services and the demands of customers. To develop quality improvement strategies and explore the market capacity for the meteorological services, this paper analyzed the survey data collected through the project “Research of Meteorological Service Performance Evaluation Methods and Technologies (MSPE)”, jointly funded by Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China and China Meteorological Administration. The project contained nearly 50000 records obtained from an internet survey and onsite questionnaire. First, some descriptive statistical methods are applied to the data to achieve enlightenment results. Then based on the contingent valuation method (CVM), the willingness to pay for the meteorological services is estimated, ranging from 7.36 to 20.58 billion Yuan per year. Further, regression analysis shows that variables including weather staff or not, education background, outdoor work time, monthly income, age and place of parental residence, are significant influential factors for the willingness to pay. However, gender and time span of residence are not significant variables.